Stop Bleeding

Whether it’s caused by a cut, scrape or puncture, bleeding can be a real problem.

Although most people will form clots within a few minutes of an injury, some simply do not.

Learning how to stop bleeding effectively can be among one of the most important home remedy topics to have a handle on.

Before trying to stop bleeding using home remedies, it is important to discern how serious the cut is.

Arterial bleeding demands immediate medical attention as it can prove fatal.

This type of bleeding, however, is fairly easy to identify as it will general be profuse and will pump with every beat of the heart.

If a wound is particularly deep or long, stitches may be required to promote faster healing and reduce scarring.

For minor bleeding issues, there are a number of home remedy options that can prove useful.

Before trying any, make sure to properly clean the wound.

Natural Cures To Stop Bleeding:

Natural cures and home remedy options are readily available to staunch the flow of blood in troublesome wounds.

They range from products that can be purchased in pharmacies to those that might be found in the kitchen, including:


One of the best and quickest home remedy choices to stop bleeding involves nothing more than applying pressure.

Once the wound is assessed and cleaned, hold a clean, white cloth or bandage over it and apply steady pressure for several minutes.

In most cases, bleeding will stop within minutes.

Tea Bags:

Among the natural cures that can be found in most kitchen cabinets, this one is commonly used to stop bleeding in the mouth.

A tea bag, for example, can be held in the location a tooth has fallen out to help ease bleeding faster.

Cayenne Pepper:

This natural cure calls for putting cayenne pepper directly onto the source of bleeding.


Mixing salt and water and pouring it directly onto a wound can assist with bleeding cessation and also disinfection of a wound.

It is especially useful for wounds in the mouth. Sugar applied directly to a cut may also prove useful to stop blood flow.


If it is all possible, elevating the wounded area can help make bleeding stop faster.

When this is combined with pressure, the flow should stop rather quickly.


To get rid of bleeding, an ice pack can be useful.

Applying a pack to a covered wound will help with pressure and also slow the flow of blood.