Stop Menstrual Cycle

For many women, the monthly cycle comes and goes with little more than a few inconvenient symptoms.

Others, however, face issues that are so troublesome they find themselves seeking out ways to stop menstrual cycle symptoms.

The monthly menstrual cycle is a natural function of the female reproductive system. As it prepares a woman’s body for the potential of reproduction, it can present with a number of symptoms that can get in the way of everyday living.

From heavy flows and bloating to cramps and alterations in eating habits, this natural occurrence can prove to be anything but welcomed for many women.

There are a variety of ways to ease menstrual systems. Doctors can prescribe medications, including birth control pills, which can take much of the edge off.

Some surgical procedures can also stop menstrual cycle symptoms entirely and end reproduction ability, as well.

Still, many women prefer less invasive home remedies and natural cures that are easy to use and effective at the same time.

Natural Cures To Stop Menstrual Cycle Symptoms:

Home remedies and natural cures for menstrual cycle complaints include a wide variety of options.

From over-the-counter products and true natural cure options to simple measures that can be taken to address certain symptoms, there is relief out there for women who seek a home remedy.

Over-The-Counter Products:

To get rid of menstrual cycle symptoms, many over-the-counter products can be useful.

Ibuprofen, aspirin and other similar pain relievers can assist with the pain associated with cramping.

So can heating pads and ointments designed to relive muscle pain and pressure.

There are also over-the-counter home remedies that can help with bloating and other discomforts.

Calcium With Magnesium:

This home remedy calls for using a supplement to help lessen the symptoms of cramping.

These two minerals can lessen cramping and assist in reducing muscle spasms.

They can also help with pain control and reduce breast tenderness.

Vitamin B6:

This vitamin can serve as a natural cure for menstrual bloating.

It is a natural, but very mild diuretic.


Drinking plenty of liquids during the menstrual cycle can help reduce bloating and assist with hunger control, as well.

Salt Control:

When the question is how to remove bloating, limiting salt intake can make a big difference.

It is best to limit intake before and during the cycle.


Among natural cures for menstrual cycle symptoms, this herb can make a difference by relaxing the body.

Drinking a cup of tea before bedtime can assist with sleep, as well.