PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)

This is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome or PMS. PMDD has both physical and emotional symptoms and can cause extreme mood shifts.

PMDD symptoms typically occur in the last week of the menstrual cycle and will generally improve a few days after menstruation begins.

PMDD can also cause bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue, and disruption in sleep and eating habits.

It exacerbates the emotional and behavioral symptoms of anxiety, edginess, marked anger, and persistent irritability.

Natural Remedies for PMDD:

The physical and emotional symptoms of PMDD can often be reduced by making sure you are getting the right nutrients. It is recommended that women consume 1,000 milligrams of dietary and supplemental calcium each day. They should regularly take Vitamin B-6 and magnesium.

To improve neurotransmitter function and reduce PMDD symptoms you should take supplements of omega-3 fatty acids, 5-HTP, vitamin D, and amino acids. L-tryptophan is great to take when the symptoms are at their worst as it will help alleviate the physical and emotional issues related to PMDD.


Taking a daily supplement of between 250-350 milligrams of Magnesium can greatly reduce PMDD symptoms. Magnesium can help improve sleep, boost mood, and reduce pain and cramping. Magnesium is also helpful in reducing stress and fluid retention.

Diet and Lifestyle:

Exercising regularly will help reduce premenstrual symptoms. This is something that should be done throughout the month, not just when you have symptoms.

Caffeine can cause you to be more irritable and anxious. During the time when you have PMDD you should cut back or cut out caffeine as much as possible.

Carbohydrates can improve your mood and memory. Eating more carbohydrates the week before your period and reduce PMDD symptoms.

Herbal Remedies for PMDD:

There are many effective herbal remedies for PMDD. This includes natural progesterone creams made from yams and soybeans. Other herbs used in combination treatments include black cohosh, ginger, raspberry leaf, dandelion and evening primrose oil.


Chasteberry is believed to help reduce PMDD symptoms of irritability, mood swings, anger and headaches. Another name for Chasteberry is monk’s pepper. Historical use for PMDD goes back centuries.

St. John’s Wort:

Long used as a natural antidepressant, there have been numerous studies on St. John’s Wort and its effectiveness over traditional antidepressants. This is a great remedy if you experience depression with PMDD.