Prematurely Grey Hair

Though prematurely grey hair isn’t a serious medical condition, it can really be difficult on an individual’s confidence level. The reality is that any individual can suffer from this condition as graying hair comes with age and several other factors.

Genetics play a rather important role in such a condition as well, so it’s important to consider family history as well. If you have a family history or notice signs of prematurely grey hair, it can be helpful to figure out how to handle the problem.

It can even be helpful to figure out ways to prevent the condition well in advance. If you catch it in advance, the problem may not get too out of control.

Though most people don’t seek medical attention for prematurely grey hair, it can be possible if it begins very early on. There are some medications and certainly some over-the-counter options such as shampoos that can be of great help in holding off the condition or curing it altogether.

Additionally there are some excellent home remedies for prematurely grey hair that can be of great help in curing it and getting rid of it once and for all. Trying these out is simple and rather effective, well worth trying and can improve confidence almost instantly.

Home Remedies for Prematurely Grey Hair:


Though butter gets some negative attention as a calorie-laden food, it can be of great help with this condition.

Taking a pat or two of butter each day with food and even more importantly rubbing butter into the scalp can be of great help.

Using butter in this manner can work as an excellent home remedy for prematurely grey hair and bring relief and even act as a cure once and for all.

Curry Leaves:

Curry is good for so many things, so it’s really not surprise that it shows up as a natural cure for prematurely grey hair.

Taking a small amount of curry leaves each day can help to add vitality and strength to hair, thus preventing the condition from getting too far gone.

It can be helpful to take this proactively if you know that you have history of the problem, helping to cure it before it even begins.


Gooseberry is one of the top home remedies for prematurely grey hair out there.

Boiling natural, dried gooseberry in coconut milk is the basis and then as it cools it turns into very powerful oil.

This oil is used to rinse the hair with after shampooing and it will help to prevent the problem from occurring.