Stomach Ache

Stomach aches, sometimes called “tummy aches” by our children, are a common ailment. Although the cause is not often clear, the symptom is normally a general ill feeling. You don’t feel nauseous, just a generalized pain in your abdomen and possibly up under your rib cage. These pains can sometimes be dull, while other times they can become stabbing.

Since the digestive tract can be sensitive, the common reason doctors feel that stomach ache occurs is certain foods. When certain people eat a specific type of food, their digestive system may not handle it well, thus causing a stomach ache.

Another possible reason for a stomach ache is nerves. The term “butterflies in my stomach” fits a stomach ache of this type. When you are feeling nervous, anxious, or scared, there is a great possibility you will experience a stomach ache.

Home Remedies for Stomach Ache:

Luckily, there are some effective home remedies you can use for a stomach ache. These natural cures include:

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a common home remedy for a stomach ache. Simply drink a little mixed with mineral water and honey. You will be surprised at how quickly your stomach ache goes away after using this!

Ginger Powder:

Many people swear by this simple home remedy for a stomach ache. Take some ginger powder, mix it with a little sugar, and “down the hatch”! You only need a small amount of this natural cure to see significant results.

Plain Soda Water:

Sometimes a stomach ache can be caused due to acidity and gas. If you think this is the case, you can always try plain soda water as your home remedy. If either acidity or gas are the cause of your stomach ache, then you will feel relief quickly.

Lemon Juice, Rock Salt and Water:

No matter what the cause of the stomach ache, mixing lemon juice with water and a little bit of rock salt has been found to be an effective natural cure. For best results, you should drink this 3 times a day until the stomach ache is gone.

Common Over the Counter Pain Medications:

You may find relief from your stomach ache with common pain medications you can get at the local pharmacy. Follow the directions on the box for best results. Do not try to take more than is recommended thinking that will help your stomach ache go away faster!