Food Allergies

Though allergies in general are nothing new, it seems that more and more cases of food allergies are coming about.

Children seem to be developing these very specific and very debilitating types of allergies early on. This is carrying on and has become so common that there are entire lines of food out there that are gluten free or allergen free.

Food allergies can pertain to any sort of food, but the most common types include peanuts, gluten, wheat, and shellfish. In some instances, the allergies may be a little bit less serious and it may be just a matter of the person avoiding the food in question.

In more extreme cases, even smelling the specific food at the source of the allergy can send the person to the emergency room.

It’s important to be in tune to food allergies so that an individual knows what can set them off and what the reaction can be.

Therefore if you suspect any sort of allergy of this type, it’s important to seek medical attention and get tested. A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis, run all of the necessary tests, and provide the appropriate treatment plan to ensure that you know how to deal with this.

They can also help you to understand just how serious the allergy is and how to live with it. In addition to the many types of medications that are out there, you can find some effective home remedies for food allergies.

These may not suffice as the sole source of treatment, but can certainly help.

Home Remedies for Food Allergies:


So long as this is not the source of your actual allergy, bananas can work well as a home remedy for food allergies.

They can help to prevent and cure skin rashes or stomach pain that results from the specific food allergy.

They help to heal and allow the person to live with the allergy, and they are easy on the stomach as well.

Castor Oil:

Taking just a teaspoon of castor oil each day can work well as a home remedy for food allergies.

This can be taken with food, but for the best effect it should be taken on an empty stomach.

Castor oil helps to soothe the system and can assist with the sort of allergic reactions that can come about due to exposure to certain foods.

Vitamin E Supplement:

This is one vitamin that packs a real punch, and it works wonders when it comes to a home remedy for food allergies.

Vitamin E has anti-allergen properties and can therefore provide great relief to those who suffer from food allergies, allowing them to go about their day on a more normal basis.