
Influenza, or Flu, as it is commonly known, is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by the Influenza virus.

Symptoms include fever, cough, colds, runny nose, general body aches, and an over-all feeling of "unwellness". It has a self-limited duration lasting 3-5 days but some complications can lead to more serious disease that prolong the illness and may even be fatal.

One of the more dangerous and possibly fatal complications is pneumonia. The flu can also trigger pre-existing conditions like asthma and increase the likelihood of complications.

Since flu is a viral infection, the most important defense against serious illness is the body's immune response. For healthy and immunocompetent individuals, infection with the flu can last only a few days before eventual recovery.

It is quite notable that many who are struck by the flu attribute it to preceding events where they were exposed to inclement weather or periods of stress. These events put a strain on a person's immune resistance and allow the virus to take hold and propagate.

Take note, however, that there is an incubation period of 3-7 days from infection before flu-like symptoms are noticed.

There is a constant battle going on between our body's immune system and the influenza group of viruses. Each time a person is infected, antibodies are made to get rid of the flu and can last a long time.

However, influenza viruses change form regularly and it is this constant change that makes it hard to eradicate them completely.

For this reason, people at high risk of complications from flu are advised to have a yearly vaccination to help their bodies fight off the strains of the virus that will predominate during the year.

If you are dealing with flu right now, there are also some natural cures available for treatment and for increasing immune response. Here are some of those natural cures:

Natural Cures for the Flu:

Bed Rest:

Many people live a very stressful lifestyle and neglect their bodies even during times of illness that it is now necessary to advise them to confine themselves to bed for the duration of the illness.

This home remedy is very effective and highly rejuvenating for those of you who live very busy lives.

Chicken Soup:

Touted as the "home-made cure" and most common home remedy for the flu, we all take it but somehow don't know why. It just makes us feel better, is what many say.

For an illness that requires the body's proper response, taking something that makes you feel better is a start.

When you have the colds and flu, your taste buds don't usually agree with anything else you eat except for soup or broth.

For this reason, this is the only meal that can give you the much needed energy and nutrients that your body needs.

Furthermore, the warm soup opens up your nasal passages and clears up some mucus which makes you breathe better.

Antipyretics and Sponge Baths:

Taking over the counter acetaminophen every 4 hours and sponge baths as needed can quickly bring down the fever.

Running a high fever during the flu is quite common so it is necessary to keep track of the patient's temperature and keep it below 38 degrees Celsius.

Ginger Tea:

Boil some ginger root in water, the more concentrated the better.

Drink just like tea. This can relieve the colds, fever, and sore throat that are commons symptoms of flu.


This is a shrub (Vitex negundo) that grows in South East Asia, particularly the Philippines and has been proven to have therapeutic effects against flu, cough, and asthma.

As a natural cure to flu, cough and asthma, it is usually taken as a decoction or just like tea.

Boil a half cup of chopped fresh or dried leaves in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes.

Drink half a cup of the decoction thrice daily.


Also known as Wild Marjoram, Origanum, or Mountain Mint is a small plant with thick, soft, juicy leaves and is a natural cure for colds, cough, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.

It has antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Boil a cup of fresh leaves in 3 cups of water for 15 minutes to prepare the decoction.

Drink half a cup 3 times a day.