
Turning the food you eat into the fuel or energy your body needs to walk, talk, regenerate cells and grow is the process of digestion. This digestive process includes the elimination of waste.

Often in the process of eating and digesting our food we get indigestion. This can include an upset stomach, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.

When this happens there are several home remedies that can help relieve the symptoms help keep a healthy digestive tract.

Natural Remedies to Enhance Digestion

Everyone at some time has experienced the occasional digestive issues, they are quite common but, when digestion issues happen frequently, it can disrupt your life. Diet and choosing healthy lifestyle habits are important to improve digestion issues naturally.

Chew Your Food

Of all the home remedies simply chewing your food thoroughly is one of the most effective remedies for digestive problems. Chewing physically breaks down the food into smaller pieces, mixes it with saliva, and allows enzymes like lipase and amylase to start the process of fat and starch digestion.

Chewing also triggers reactions throughout your body to start the digestion process. This includes having the stomach begin making stomach acid and having the pancreas secret its contents into the small intestinal track. If you don’t chew long enough the pieces of food your body is trying to digest will be too big.

Digestive enzymes only work on the surface of the food, which means if pieces of food are too large, the food will pass into the intestine without being digested well enough, causing bacterial growth, abdominal gas, heartburn and indigestion.

Make a real effort to slow it down when you eat and chew your food until it is small enough to swallow without effort. If you have children, this is an important lesson for them as well.

Often kids are in such a hurry to eat and get up from the table they will start to have stomach problems that could be resolved with a little more chewing action.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes help break down fats, carbs, and protein to help support the digestive process. Digestive enzymes need to be taken with food or they won’t do the job they are meant to do, so take them just before you eat a meal.

Natural sources of these enzymes include bromelain which can be found in fresh pineapple or papaya or you can get it in a dietary supplement. Papaya juice works well when you drink it after a meal to help with digestion.

Other natural sources of enzymes are: kiwi, avocado, ginger, mango, bananas, and honey.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a highly effective remedy for indigestion or stomach upset. Just boil the water and steep the tea in bag or bulk form, then sweeten to taste if you need it.


Ginger root is also an effective treatment for digestive problems. You can chew on a small piece of the root, or shave it and boil it for tea.

Making ginger tea is quite easy. All you need is 4 cups of water, 2-inch fresh ginger piece, and optionally lemon slice and honey for taste.

Peel and slice the ginger root. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, then add the slices of ginger to boiling water, and reduce heat.

Cover the saucepan, and let simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then strain liquid and add lemon and/or honey to taste.


They say coffee can help lead to better digestion of food which can then boost your gut health. Drinking one cup of a half an hour before a meal can help curb your appetite. Coffee is also an effective digestive aid when drank after a meal.

Cayenne Pepper

Surprisingly cayenne pepper helps almost all digestive problems, including gas, bloating, and cramps. Just sprinkle your food liberally with cayenne pepper and continue until the problem is resolved.

Cayenne can also be found in capsules, or can be made into a tea in order to take care of more immediate digestive problems. The tea is made by adding 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 cup of hot water. Simply bring water to a boil then immediately add in the cayenne pepper and stir until dissolved. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon or peeled ginger for taste. Sip slowly and enjoy your tea.