Ear Ache

An ear ache is a common medical problem. An ear ache can be dull, sharp or burning, occurring in one or both ears.

Ear aches have many possible causes. In children, the most common cause is an infection that involves the middle ear, a medical condition called otitis media. Children are more vulnerable to develop middle ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are shorter and more horizontal, resulting in poorer Eustachian tube function and buildup of negative pressure.

The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the nasal passages. To keep the pressure in the ears equalized, this tube allows fluids to drain out of the middle ear. During colds or allergies, the Eustachian tube is blocked by the congestion in its linings, allowing the fluid to buildup within the normally air-filled middle ear. Accumulation of fluids can cause hearing loss, an ear ache and ear infections.

Ear aches are also caused by excess earwax, perforated eardrum and other medical conditions that involve the head and neck.

Natural Cures for an Ear Ache

Ear aches can occur abruptly, most especially during nighttime. Thus, it is often difficult to find a medicinal remedy for an ear ache at the spur of the moment. However, there is a vast array of home remedies and natural cures to get rid of an ear ache.


Most home remedies for earaches consist of gentle heat applications. Warm, moist heat compresses or a warm (not hot) heating pad around the ear for 15 to 20 minutes are an effective home remedy to alleviate ear aches.


Garlic, which is a natural antibiotic, anti-fungal, has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, is a useful home remedy for an ear ache. Naturopathic drops containing garlic have been shown to be effective to help with ear pain.

You can also make your own garlic oil. Over low heat, warm two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Finely mince garlic and stir into the warmed oil just to the point when you can smell the fragrance of the garlic. Remove from heat, when cooled use a dropper to add a couple drops inside the ear.

Do not use oils in the ear if there are tubes or if ear drum is ruptured.

Hydrogen Peroxide

A good ear ache home remedy is to put about 5 drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into your aching ear, lay on your side then allow it to bubble for 10 minutes. Drain the solution into a tissue. This remedy is a useful way to loosen impacted earwax.


To retain as much of the juice as possible, steam the onion with the skin on. Once it becomes soft, cut the onion and extract its juice with a garlic press. Place a few drops of warm onion juice into the ear.