Passing a Urinalysis

Many people are subject to taking a urinalysis for reasons including employment procedures and those who have been incarcerated or are in recovery programs.

There are many ways to test for drugs, including:

  • collecting hair samples
  • urine samples
  • blood samples
  • saliva
  • swab tests

Because of the high cost associated with blood and hair sampling, a urinalysis is the most common form of drug testing.

Many people are interested in learning about home remedies and natural cures as an effective way to pass a urinalysis, as testing procedures have become stricter.

Usually these tests are watched by a third party and monitored very carefully for any tampering.

Natural Cures for Passing a Urinalysis:

Urban myths surround the many options to successfully pass a urinalysis. There has also been an explosion of detox products on the market that claim to help flush the system of toxins that are detectable in urinalysis tests.

The truth is that with tighter controls on testing and failure levels, natural cures and home remedies along with commercial products may not bring any success with passing a drug test.

There are many variables that factor into passing a drug test when there has been drug use in the past, including the metabolism of the user, his/her fatty tissue count and the length and severity of drug use.

In any case, if you are trying to pass a urinalysis after taking drugs, it’s safer and more economical to use natural treatments at home, rather than spend money on fad products that may not work.

Here is a list of common ways to pass a urinalysis using a natural cure or home remedy:

Water and Vitamin B2:

Water can flush out the system, but the resulting sample will be weak and diluted.

This can be grounds for the tester to request another sample to be taken at random in hopes of collecting a more concentrated urine sample.

Instead, it is more effective to flush the body with water but also take vitamin B2, which gives urine a dark yellow color which may be enough to pass the urinalysis.

Synthetic Urine:

Synthetic urine is widely available and thought to be the best way to pass a urinalysis.

Synthetic urine kits can be bought online and consist of a powder that is mixed with warm water.

This home remedy is only effective when the test is done unsupervised and no checks are made for possible tamper materials.

Substitute sample:

This natural cure for tainted urine involves relying on someone else to provide clean urine for your test.

The sample should be collected in a sterile sealed container and used within 48 hrs for best results.