
Boils can appear as if out of nowhere, but can really wreak havoc on the individual suffering from this skin condition.

Boils can appear as a single red mark on the skin or they can appear as a whole pattern on the skin’s surface.

The main cause of boils is the staphylococcus bacteria, and when this germ enters the blood stream it causes boils to appear.

Though there can be more serious conditions that contribute to the growth of boils, most of the time it’s a buildup of the staphylococcus bacteria in the bloodstream.

Once afflicted with boils, most people want to get rid of these red and unsightly bumps on the skin almost immediately.

Natural Cures for Boils

Boils can start and even stay simply red and bumpy, and if left untreated they can turn into irritated, itchy, and even pus-filled skin bumps. They often develop on the face, groin, shoulders, neck, buttocks and armpits.

Boils can create irritation and cause some physical discomfort. It certainly is possible to seek medical attention when trying to get rid of boils. However, the good news is, there are some simple measures that one can take at home in the form of natural cures.

You’d be amazed at how well some simple home remedies can work in the removal of boils.

Raw Onion or Onion Poultice

Onions are not only good to cook with; they also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties you can benefit from when it comes to using them in many home remedies.

In this case it can help draw out infection and pus, cut a thick slice of onion and place over the boil. Wrap in a tea towel or gauze to keep it in place. Let this sit about 20 to 30 minutes, repeat a couple of times as you can during the day.

A poultice can also be made from onions and used in the same way but this can be a bit smelly.


Garlic like onions have many beneficial properties and here the garlic can be pressed to extract the juice.

Apply directly to the boils for 10 to 20 minutes and this can help speed the healing as it causes the boils to break open and release pus.

Epsom Salt Compress

The Epsom salt compress can help drain the boil. Simply add warm enough water in a bowl then add in some Epsom salt and stir until dissolved.

Use a clean cloth and wet in mixture. Wring out and place on boil for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat a few times throughout the day until gone.


Parsley seems to have an endless amount of applications when it comes to home remedies, and we find it again in the treatment of boils.

Boiling parsley in hot water until it becomes soft and juicy creates a very effective natural cure for boils.

Once cooled a bit, this form of parsley should be wrapped in a cloth and applied directly to the site of the boils.

Parsley can act as a natural poultice and thus is a very effective home remedy for boils, helping to get rid of them and keep them away.

Bitter Gourd

The consumption of fresh bitter gourd juice can prove to be an excellent way to help in the removal of boils.

Mixing the bitter gourd juice with a teaspoon of lime juice creates an excellent concoction that one should drink as a natural cure for boils.

Drinking this mix on an empty stomach each and every day can help to act as a home remedy in the removal of boils.