Bone Health

We all know just how important proper bone health is, but we may not know how to achieve it. If we don’t ensure that we live our life focused on taking care of our bones, it can cause major problems throughout but particularly in old age.

We are told from a very early age to drink our milk, and this is the first indicator of how important good bone health is and what we need to do to achieve it.

Drinking milk is part of it as calcium is an integral part, but there are other necessary steps and methods to take care of this aspect of our health.

If we don’t take care of our bones, we risk serious health conditions. The bones may become brittle, we may develop bone spurs, and we may have trouble functioning normally. This can cause quite a frustration as well as be taxing to the body overall.

If you have a family history of any bone problems or if you suspect that you are struggling with some sort of bone disorder, it can be quite helpful to seek medical attention. A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis, and associated treatment plan.

In addition to your treatment plan or as a way of working towards prevention, it can be helpful to incorporate some home remedies for good bone health.

Home Remedies for Bone Health:

Cut Out Alcohol:

Web MD Scientists report that chronic heavy alcohol use negatively affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Alcohol effects calcium in many adverse ways and Doctors advise to drink less for strong bones in later life.


We know we need to take our vitamins, but you start to see the negative impact in the bones if you have a deficiency.

Taking a supplement that ensures you get proper levels of Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E will act as a great home remedy for proper bone health.

If you are deficient in any one of these areas, it will be harmful to your bones and potentially lead to other health problems down the road.


There’s a reason that you were told to drink your milk when you were a kid! Ensuring that you get enough calcium is an important and very well known home remedy for bone health.

Drinking milk and eating dairy products is part of it, but you must turn to supplements to ensure that you get proper levels in a day.

This is a must for good bone health throughout your entire life.


You may not realize just how important exercise is to certain areas of your health, and it is quite applicable here.

Getting proper levels of exercise is a natural cure for good bone health and should be part of a healthy lifestyle.

Ensuring that you get exercise that works the bones and joints will keep you operating in optimal form throughout your life.

Olive Leaf Extract:

Studies report that Olive Leaf Extract, an antioxidant called oleuropein which is found in olive tree leaves may help protect bones against osteoporosis. olive leaf extract is available in supplement and tincture form.