Uric Acid

Gout can be extremely painful for the individual suffering from it. In this disorder, there is an excess of uric acid created and deposited in the body.

This excess deposit causes a form of arthritis and the result is extreme pain and even difficulty moving about. These uric acids form into crystals which are normally flushed out by the kidneys and are deposited directly into the site of the joints.

It is most common to see gout appear in joints such as the knees, arms, legs, and particularly the big toe.

The onset of this disorder can happen literally overnight as the site of the problem becomes inflamed and swollen causing sometimes excruciating pain for the individual suffering from it.

There are many different factors that may contribute to the likelihood of gout such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive drinkers, or even certain medical conditions.

It is highly recommended to seek medical attention as an individual with symptoms of gout to ensure that this is in fact the condition for which you are dealing with.

There are some helpful medications that can provide some relief from the symptoms. You may also be asked to make some modifications to your lifestyle such as increased activity or a change in diet as foods such as those containing high sodium levels can contribute to the problem.

In conjunction with these modifications, it can also be quite helpful to incorporate some effective home remedies and there are some great ones out there.

Home Remedies for Uric Acid (Gout):


As cherries are high in Vitamin C, they can help the body to move the uric acid along as it is meant to.

It is highly recommended that an individual eat a handful of cherries each day as an effective home remedy.

This can provide continued relief and even cherry juice can be a big help as well.


Squeezing half of a lemon into a glass of water makes for a potent and powerful home remedy.

In this drink you will also find high levels of Vitamin C which are believed to help break up any deposits that may have settled and be the source of pain in the joints.

It is recommended to drink this each and every morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey:

Drinking a combination of apple cider vinegar mixed with honey can be helpful if you are already experiencing pain associated with gout.

In this helpful home remedy, the drink goes to work at the site of the pain and helps it to subside within a few hours.