Removing Stretch Marks

Stretch marks on the skin are most often associated with pregnant women, but this condition actually can affect men and women alike.

Stretch marks occur when the skin is rapidly stretched and breaks down, leaving marks that have no elasticity in them and appear as lines.

The best home remedy to remove stretch marks is prevention, but if you already have them then there are a myriad of natural cures that can help to eliminate them.

What Causes Stretch Marks:

In a nutshell, stretch marks are caused by skin that has been stretched out too quickly and the tissue has become damaged.

This rapid growth usually occurs during pregnancy, puberty, or when the body has grown rapidly through working out/body building.

Other factors that are thought to contribute to stretch marks are hormones, genetics and skin type. They are usually seen on the stomach, buttocks, thighs, breasts, hips, and arms.

Natural Cures for Removing Stretch Marks:

If you choose to see your doctor about stretch marks, he/she will most likely prescribe a cortisone-based cream, which many people find ineffective.

There are many people who choose to get rid of stretch marks by buying supplements and other spa body treatments that claim to eliminate them, but these are often expensive and the validity of the treatments are unknown.

Natural cures are usually the preferred method, as they are inexpensive, readily-available and effective.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E cream or oil is an ancient home remedy for stretch marks and scars.

Apply the oil to your skin at least 2 times a day, (more times during pregnancy) for ultra-nourished skin.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter has long been hailed a natural cure for stretch marks due to its immense moisturizing powers.

Use pure cocoa butter cream everyday to moisturize to prevent and reduce stretch marks.

Some people like to mix Vitamin E cream and cocoa butter for added impact.


Collagen supplements have recently been promoted as a natural cure to scars and stretch marks.

If you choose to take collagen supplements, make sure it is from a marine-based source (usually seaweed), as the majority of collagen on the market is from cows and ineffective towards healing stretch marks.

Aloe Vera Gel

Pure aloe vera gel rubbed into the area twice a day will reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the more versatile home remedies with good reason. Olive oil is packed with antioxidants that promote healing.

To get rid of stretch marks, rub extra virgin olive oil on your stretch marks every night before bed.

Cover them with a warm cloth and remove the cloth when it is cool.

Do this every night and improvements can start to be seen in 2 weeks.