Removing Skin Moles

Skin moles can be painful, irritating and aesthetically unappealing.

The most important thing to consider about moles is not their appearance, but their effect on the body’s health.

Most moles are benign growths (aka non-cancerous), however it is important to monitor your moles and report any changes to your doctor, this is especially true if your family has a history of melanoma.

If you notice a change in any of the following characteristics of your moles, visit your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Change in color
  • Change in size
  • Change in symmetry or a change in shape

If your moles begin to bleed, swell or become infected, medical attention should also be sought immediately.

In all other cases, there are various home remedies for mole removal and natural cures to help eliminate the appearance of moles on the skin.

Causes of Skin Moles:

Moles occur when the skin cells grow up and cluster with each other, rather than spread evenly on the skin. The causes of skin moles are as follows:

  • Family history
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Puberty

Natural Cures for Removing Skin Moles:

Lately, the trend in mole removal has been to have them cut out by a surgeon or have laser surgery treatment.

These are effective methods but they can be costly and result in scarring.

Natural cures appeal to many people wondering how to get rid of skin moles as they are cheap, safe and have proven results.


Crush a clove of fresh garlic and apply to the mole.

Cover with medical tape or a bandage.

Do this morning and night for 3-4 weeks for best results.

Sour Apples:

A popular natural cure for mole removal is to use the juice of sour apples and apply to the mole 3 times a day.

You can cover it with a bandage to keep the juice from rubbing off throughout the day.

This should be done every day for 3-4 weeks to get results.


Another home remedy is to crush up an onion in the blender and extract the juice from it.

Apply this to the mole everyday, 2 times a day.

This should take approximately 2 weeks to work.


Coriander is a natural cure for skin moles.

Grind up fresh coriander leaves in a mortar and pestle and apply the paste to the mole everyday for 2 weeks.

Castor Oil:

A common home remedy for mole removal is castor oil.

Apply the oil to the mole 3 times a day and keep it covered in between applications.

Within 3 weeks the mole should be softened and barely visible.


A simple natural cure for moles is to rub honey on them every day.

This should take 3-4 weeks for results.