Low Sex Drive

Though it is the fodder of many jokes, a low sex drive is really no laughing matter.

This may come about as a result of age, due to the use of certain medications, or due to a simple change in hormones.

This is quite common, particularly amongst women, and should be taken seriously. This is especially important when it relates to a change in hormones as it’s important to be sure that there is nothing more serious going on.

Though everyone may experience a low sex drive at one time or another, it’s important to keep an eye on it and be sure it doesn’t happen often.

If a low sex drive seems to be a recurring problem or appears to be getting worse over time, then it’s highly recommended to seek medical attention. It may be necessary to have some tests run and perhaps look into any other symptoms, but it can be something simple to diagnose and treat.

If it’s a side effect of a medication, then at least there’s something to pinpoint it to. If it’s related to hormones, then there may be further evaluation required and therefore a doctor must intervene.

Fortunately there are some excellent home remedies for a low sex drive which can bring things back to normal.

Home Remedies for a Low Sex Drive:

Ginger Herbal Supplement:

Though we know ginger to work well as a helpful herb towards many gastrointestinal disorders, it may work quite well as a home remedy for a low sex drive.

Taking ginger everyday may help with any hormone issues and may help to restore normalcy in the individual suffering from this condition.

It’s important to take a ginger supplement to be sure that proper levels are achieved and that the hormones get back to normal over time.

Ginseng Herbal Supplement:

We know that ginseng can provide a very natural form of energy, but very few people realize that it works quite well as a home remedy for a low sex drive.

This helps to stimulate the system and allows the person to get back to normal in terms of their sex drive.

Taking a ginseng supplement each day can help to deliver the best results.


As asparagus is a natural aphrodisiac, it only makes sense that it works as a home remedy for a low sex drive.

In this instance, eating asparagus often can help in conjunction with taking a supplement that is rich in it for additional help and a restoration to a normal sex drive.