Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a common ailment that affects men and women of all ages and walks of life. Although true hypoglycemia is generally only prevalent in those who have type l and ll diabetes, low blood sugar can be apparent in those without the disease as well (albeit less severe). Diagnosis for hypoglycemia is attained through seeing an endocrinologist who will examine blood sugar and insulin levels; however there are a variety of home remedies that can ease the discomforts of low blood sugar through proper nutrition. If you are wondering how to get rid of low blood sugar, it is helpful to first examine what causes this ailment in the first place.

Natural Cures for Low Blood Sugar:

Causes of Low Blood Sugar:

It’s no wonder that with the highly processed foods in the common diet that low blood sugar presents a problem for many people.

The main dietary causes of low blood sugar are:

  • High sodium intake
  • Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates- white flour, white sugar, white pasta and white rice
  • Sugary foods- cakes, doughnuts, pastries, fizzy drinks/cola, chocolate, candy, cookies and artificial fruit juices

Low blood sugar can also be caused by prescription drugs, or illnesses associated with the liver and pituitary gland.

A visit with the doctor is the best way to assess if you have low blood sugar and the cause of it.

Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar:

Even a slight drop in the body’s sugar levels can create unpleasant side effects such as irritability, fatigue, mood swings, sweating, headaches, nausea and dizziness.

In more severe cases, heart palpitations, nervousness and fainting can also occur.

For those with mild to moderate symptoms, adopting natural home remedies in daily life can ease many complaints associated with low blood sugar levels.

Vitamin B, C and E:

Vitamins are an excellent natural cure for low blood sugar as they help to stabilize insulin and sugar levels.

Taking supplements of vitamin C, E and B has been found to reduce the ill effects of having low blood sugar.

Eating foods rich in these vitamins such as citrus fruits, sunflower seeds, tuna, bananas, nuts and legumes is also beneficial.

Small Meals:

A home remedy that fights hunger pains as well as the side effects of having low blood sugar is to eat 6- 8 small, balanced meals a day.

This maintains blood sugar levels and the “sugar crash” associated with snacking on junk food in between meals is eliminated.

Cut Out Salt:

Sodium intake is a direct factor on blood sugar levels, and it is widely agreed that sodium should be kept to a bare minimum in the diet for good general health.

Cutting out salt is also an effective natural cure to low blood sugar as it is responsible for creating sugary cravings.


Increasing your protein intake can be an effective home remedy for low blood sugar as it regulates insulin production and stabilizes cravings for sugary or carb-rich foods.

The key is to choose healthy sources of protein that do not contain saturated fat such as tofu, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fish.

Low Glycemic Index Foods:

Choosing foods with a lower glycemic index has become one of the more popular natural cures for low blood sugar.

Foods that have a low glycemic index prevent dips in blood sugar levels and help you to feel fuller for longer.

The list of foods with a low to medium glycemic index rating is long, so it is relatively easy to adjust your diet to create a balanced blood sugar level.