Loss of Vision

Many of us may have suffered from a loss of vision for a short period of time, but it usually is restored rather quickly.

For some though a loss of vision may be related to a serious health condition, may be an indicator that the eyes are not working properly, or may be a sign of getting older.

As there are a variety of different reasons that a person may suffer from a loss of vision, it’s important to take each one on a case by case basis.

If you are suffering from a loss of vision that is inhibiting your ability to work through your day or that seems to be intensifying, then it’s time to get help.

A doctor can take a look at things and determine what the source may be for the loss of vision. If it’s a side effect to a medication for example, then that’s usually easy to fix.

If however the loss of vision is due to some condition in the eyes or is a result of some more serious health condition, then it’s important to determine that. You need to know what exactly is going on and more importantly how to fix it.

A doctor can work with you on an appropriate treatment plan, any eye drops, or any required medications. You can also seek help from some excellent home remedies for a loss of vision as well.

Home Remedies for Loss of Vision:

Vitamin A Supplement:

This is a vitamin that works wonders for the eyes in general.

Taking Vitamin A as a home remedy for loss of vision can work tremendously. This will help to repair any damage and restore health to the eyes.

Though you can turn to foods for Vitamin A, you can expect to get the right amount by taking a supplement.

It can be helpful to take Vitamin A each day as a preventative measure, but it can also work quite well if you need help with your current loss and related problems.

Liqorice Supplement:

This supplement works very well with any eye conditions, and so liqorice makes an excellent home remedy for loss of vision.

Using this in a powder form provides the most beneficial option, and then it’s important to add in other ingredients that may be of help such as honey and butter.

At the core however is the supplement liqorice which works wonders, and can be an excellent help in restoring vision.

Triphala Supplement:

This supplement is a combination of many different herbal remedies, and therefore is extremely effective as a home remedy for loss of vision.

This is something that should be taken for a lengthy period of time and works best if you wash the eyes first.

This will help to restore any lost vision and get to the root of the problem.