Joint Health

Taking care of your joints may be one of those things that you don’t think about. However ensuring proper joint health may be very important to the big picture of your overall wellness.

If you take care of yourself and ensure that your joints are in proper working order, then you don’t have to worry about any sort of conditions setting in later on.

If your joints suffer or if they cause you pain, such as through a disease such as arthritis, this can be quite debilitating.

Before you get older or develop any sort of joint problem for other reasons, you want to take the matters of your health in this capacity into your own hands.

Working on proactive measures can come in handy later on.

If you already suffer from any sort of joint problem, then you want to do your part to take care of yourself now before it should get any worse. It’s important to know what steps to take and what you can turn to if you suffer from pain in this region.

It is also important to work with your doctor on the right steps for your treatment once they determine an appropriate diagnosis.

Additionally you may turn to over-the-counter medications which may help, but may only aid in masking the symptoms.

It’s good to know that there are some rather simple home remedies for joint pain that you can turn to and get some quick and much needed relief.

Home Remedies for Joint Health

Carrot Juice

We know that carrots are good for so many different aspects of our health, but in this case we look to carrot juice specifically as a home remedy for joint health.

Drinking plenty of carrot juice on a regular basis can work towards proactive measures.

Beyond that, you can also increase your quantity of carrot juice if you are suffering from an unusual or intense pain in the joints.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

While both of these work well on their own, they work even better in combination as a home remedy for joint health.

If you are suffering from any sort of joint pain, mixing these two ingredients together and then rubbing it on the site of the actual pain can work quite well.

Apple cider vinegar and honey can be consumed as well, but they work best if rubbed on the site of the joint pain.


Yet again we turn to garlic as an effective natural cure. Here it works well as a home remedy for joint health, and it can work either proactively or in reaction to some sort of pain in this area.

Eating garlic or better yet taking a garlic supplement each day will keep any inflammation down and keep the joints working properly.

It can serve you well if you keep the garlic consumption at a regular level each day through a garlic supplement.

Essential Oil Rub for Painful Joints

This combines the beauty of aroma therapy with topical application. Massage a few drops onto the affected area. Take care not to get into mucus membranes or your eyes.

  • 30 drops of carrier oil
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 4 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 3 drops marjoram essential oil

Marjoram calms the nerves, rosemary clears the mind and black pepper will help with circulation and muscle pain.