Jock Itch

Caused by a superficial variety of fungus of the skin, called tinea, may cause jock itch. It is an itchy rash of the groin, which can spread to inner thighs, genitals, anal region, or vagina. People taking certain antibiotics, or who have weakened immune systems, or who have diabetes, are more likely to develop the rash. The presence of moisture, warmth, and friction between skin folds, make the groin area the perfect environment for fungal infections.

If you have another fungal infection, like athletes’ foot, the same fungus could be causing the rash in your groin.

Home Remedies For Jock Itch:

Dry And Clean:

The best cure and preventative for jock itch is to keep the area clean and dry. Expose the affected area to air as much as possible, and it is essential to keep the area bone dry. Avoid wearing tight clothing, wash and completely dry all clothing, especially clothing that comes into contact with the affected area, since jock itch is spread by contact with the fungal spores, which can survive on dead skin cells or objects for a long time.

Antifungal Medications:

Many antifungal medications for jock itch are available over the counter. They come in cream, liquid spray, ointment, and powder forms. Common sense tells you that since being dry is essential, either an absorbent powder, a quick drying liquid (try putting it on, setting your blow dryer to cool air, and drying the liquid on the skin, if you choose a liquid formula) or an ointment, which provides a barrier to keep moisture out, would be the best choices of over the counter remedies. Occasionally, people are allergic to the medications, so if your jock itch gets worse after using the treatments, stop using it, and try a different method. It is important to note that if your jock itch is a candida infection, over the counter medications like Tolnaftate or undecylenate will not work. For a Jock itch caused by a candida fungus, you will need a Clotrimazole or miconazole based medication, which will work on either type of jock itch fungus. Be sure to continue to use these medications for two to four weeks, even if the rash gets better, to completely clear the infection.

Dandruff Shampoo:

Lather the affected area with dandruff shampoo leaving for 15 minutes then rinsing. Dry with a cool blow dryer, applying zinc as a moisture barrier, and wearing loose fitting, breathable clothing should clear your jock itch up.

Listerine Mouth Wash:

Applying Listerine mouth wash to a jock itch with a cotton ball, can cure it.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a powerful antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, when applied to Jock itch. Eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and thymol are all good choices to cure jock itch.