
Itchy, painful, unpleasant, ugly, burning lumps on your skin; that are such a torment that you would do almost anything to prevent them, are commonly called hives. 

Hives, also known as urtucaria, nettle-rash, or welts, are raised, red rashes, with whitish centers.  Hives are a reaction to a histamine.  Histamines are substances your body produces, and distributes throughout your body when you come into contact with a foreign matter. 

When histamines are released, they dilate your capillaries, and cause your skin to become warm and red.  Hives can last from a few minutes to several days. 

They can vanish and come back without any warning.  The thing to remember is that hives can be a result of something you have touched, like a plant, soap, laundry product, plant, or virtually any substance. 

Hives can be a result of something you have eaten, or a medication you have taken.  They can be a result of a food additive, such as a food dye, preservative, or flavor enhancer.   

Home Remedies For Hives:


Aloe is the juice of aloe vera plants, and has been used medicinally for thousands of years to treat skin conditions of all kinds.  It works on burns, rashes, sunburn, and hives.  You can buy packaged aloe vera gel in most stores, or you can grow your own aloe vera plant, and simply snip off a stem, cut it open to expose the lining, and apply gently to the skin.  It is possible to be allergic to aloe vera.  If you have never used it, apply it to a small area first, and wait an hour, to see if it produces a reaction.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is the vitamin most essential in helping to support healthy skin, and helping the body to heal any kind of tissue.  Vitamin E can be bought in gel caps, which can be opened and the oil applied directly to the hives, and/or it can be taken in capsule form.  Another way to KEEP your skin healthy all the time, is to include vitamin E rich foods in your diet every day.  Sunflower, safflower, and canola oils, sun-dried tomatoes, hazelnuts and almonds are all rich in vitamin E

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is very effective in treating most skin conditions like athelete’s foot, skin irritations, and rashes.  A relative of eucalyptus, tea tree oil is a multitasking remedy.  It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties.  The oil can be applied directly to the hives.

Oatmeal Baths:

Cool, colloidal oatmeal baths can also bring temporary relief to someone suffering from hives.