Herbal Detox

Herbal detox is the process in which toxins and other harmful compounds are removed from the body, using herbal remedies that are naturally obtained.

The herbal detox method of treatment uses a different principle than most modern medicine.

In modern medicine, the aim of medications is usually to suppress symptoms as much as possible, dealing with the irritation and discomfort that results from a particular condition.

Oftentimes, the root cause of the problem goes unaddressed. Some modern medications even suppress the body’s own immune system in cases where the action of the immune system produces uncomfortable symptoms.

With herbal detox, however, the aim is not to control the symptoms of a condition, but instead to address the root problem behind the condition.

This can be applied in cases where the problem is caused by a buildup of toxins or harmful compounds within the body that need to be removed.

With herbal detox, you are able to flush the toxins and harmful substances out of your body, leaving you healthy and free of toxic substances.

Natural Cures for Herbal Detox:

Psyllium Seed:

Psyllium Seed is a great herbal detox remedy, and can be used to cleanse the digestive tract to great effect.

Toxins are often ingested along with the food we eat, and accumulate in the digestive tract. It is therefore necessary to use herbal detox to cleanse your digestive tract and remove these toxins.

Use psyllium seed by first soaking it in water before consuming it.

The jelly-like texture of psyllium seed makes it perfect for absorbing toxins and other harmful chemicals from the digestive tract, while it is high in fiber, aiding in smooth bowel movement to eliminate harmful waste from the body.

Joe-Pye Weed:

Joe-Pye weed is excellent for dissolving stones and other crystal formations in the bladder and kidneys.

The kidneys play a major role in eliminating toxins from the body, and they are constantly cleaning toxins and other harmful chemicals from the bloodstream.

Joe-Pye weed will help your kidney remain in healthy condition, making it that much more effective at removing toxins from your system.

Juniper Berries:

Juniper berries have great overall detoxification properties, and will help to cleanse and fortify your kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract in particular.

Beware that you do not overdose on Juniper berries; however, as overlarge doses can put undue strain on your kidneys.

Be sure to follow dosage instructions on any Juniper berry supplements you purchase for your herbal detox.