
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, and may be acute or chronic. Hepatitis viruses or excessive alcohol consumption usually causes both types. Sometimes it may be caused by exposure to certain chemicals or drugs or by an abnormal reaction to certain medications. The three most common viruses are Hepatitis A, B, and C.

Most people who become infected with the Hepatitis C virus develop the chronic HCV because the body’s immune system is unable to fight it. For many people, the condition causes no symptoms, so a person can be infected with Hepatitis C for many years and not even knows they are infected. Lack of symptoms does not mean that Hepatitis C is not attacking your liver, thus some people do not even know they have it until a great deal of liver damage has occurred because of its tendency to be asymptomatic.

The following are symptoms that may be related to chronic Hepatitis C:

  • Fatigue
  • Flu like symptoms
  • Nausea, aversion to certain foods, and unexplained weight loss
  • Psychological disorders
  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Jaundice

Home Remedies For Hepatitis:

Phyllanthus Niruri:

Take a whole phyllanthus niruri plant and grind it. Eat the paste early in the morning. It will also prevent vomiting so the patient can eat.

Eclipta Porstata/Alba:

Boil a handful of the leaves, one spoon of castor oil, and 2-3 cloves of garlic in a glass of water. Administer to the patient.

Castor Leaves:

  • Grind 2-3 castor leaves
  • 3-4 black pepper seeds
  • One glove of garlic

Administer a marble-sized ball of paste to patient each morning.

Herbal Treatments:

To ease inflammation of the liver and degradation of liver function, the following herbs can be helpful:

  • Milk thistle extract
  • Maitake mushroom extract
  • Una de gato extract
  • Dandelion root
  • Red clover blossoms
  • Burdock root
  • Licorice root
  • Yellow dock
  • Green tea extract

Collodial Silver:

Take one tablespoon four times a day on an employ stomach or a minimum of 15-20 minutes before a meal or two hours afterwards. You will need to continue the treatment for approximately nine months.


While you are under treatment for Hepatitis, especial HCV, you will need to make some changes in lifestyle such as getting at least eight hours sleep per night, do not consume any alcoholic beverages at all, stop smoking if you smoke, add nutritional supplements to your diet, especial those for boosting the immune system, and see your doctor regularly. It is important not to start any over the counter medications or herbal remedies without your doctor’s consent.