
There are so many different disorders that can affect the eyes and this can be rather frustrating for the individuals who lose their vision. Even a temporary loss of vision can be frustrating and make an individual feel as though they can’t perform their regular daily tasks.

In the case of conjunctivitis, the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye becomes inflamed. This can cause the eyes to become inflamed, red, itchy, and eventually have a watery secretion. This is frustrating for the person suffering from it and immediate relief is often sought out.

Conjunctivitis is very contagious and therefore can be easily spread from person to person. It can come from a dirty surrounding or even from another infected person without them even knowing it.

It is recommended that an individual with this condition seek out medical attention to ensure that they don’t have anything more serious. At that time, there are usually some medicated drops that can be prescribed to provide almost immediate relief.

Along with these drops, there are some excellent home remedies for conjunctivitis that can prove to be quite helpful and allow an individual to feel more like themselves.

The great news is that these are easy to implement and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis:

Vegetable Juices:

As conjunctivitis is an infection and is oftentimes viral in nature, there’s not always a whole lot that you can do to relieve the symptoms or the onset of them.

However to get almost immediate relief, one of the best home remedies for conjunctivitis is the juice of carrots and spinach.

Adding in some fresh parsley juice can force this to be a very powerful concoction and if consumed at the onset of the symptoms it can help to get rid of it almost immediately.


A handful of fresh coriander made into an eye wash forms the basis for this excellent natural cure for conjunctivitis.

In this case, the eyewash is applied gently to the eyes and is then rinsed off with water to get the vision back to what it should be.

Therefore using this eyewash each and every day that the condition is present will allow the individual to feel more like themselves again.

Vitamins A and B2:

These two vitamins are found to be extremely helpful in treating and getting rid of the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Taking supplements of these two vitamins each and every day, particularly at the time of the infection can be quite helpful in the treatment.

It is also believed that eating foods rich in these vitamins such as leafy greens, tomatoes, and even chocolate can provide additional help and act as natural cures.