
Though it can come about as a result of any number of health conditions, congestion can be a frustrating issue to deal with. Some people may suffer from congestion on an almost daily basis as a part of sinus or allergy problems.

Others may suffer from it as a result of a cold or viral infection. Whatever the cause of it, congestion can be very frustrating as it inhibits the ability to breath well.

This can be troublesome during the day as a person goes about their daily activities, but can become of even more burden at night when the person has trouble sleeping.

It can be helpful to know how to deal with this very frustrating symptom in different capacities.

Unless the congestion goes on for a long period of time or seems to be associated with an actual health condition such as a sinus infection, most people won’t necessarily seek out medical attention for this problem.

Many may turn to over-the-counter medications which may help to mask the symptom, but they often don’t help to cure or get rid of the root cause of the problem.

It can be helpful to be in tune with any other symptoms so that you may discover just why you are dealing with the congestion and how to go about getting rid of it quickly.

Fortunately there are some effective and very simple home remedies for congestion that can bring about relief to the individuals who suffer from it.

Home Remedies for Congestion:

Eucalyptus Herbal Supplement:

This has a very natural healing power and that becomes evident with one sniff of this common herb.

As a person breathes eucalyptus in, it helps to soothe and open up the nasal passageways. If done through a steam bath or a similar method, eucalyptus can work as an excellent home remedy for congestion.

To get the best effect, put a few drops of this herb into a steam bath and breath in the steam to open everything up and breathe again.

Ginger Herbal Supplement:

When it comes to a home remedy for congestion, look no further than ginger for some great relief.

In this instance however, it can be used most effectively as a tea because the combination of this powerful herb with the heat of a tea can help to open up the passageways and allow the congestion to almost dissipate.

This is an excellent method to turn to and delicious and soothing in the meantime.

Spicy Foods:

Though it may sound cliché, there is something to be said for spicy foods as a natural cure for congestion.

The heat and spice of foods using spices such as cayenne and red pepper can help to open up the passageways in a very natural and quick way.

Eating spicy foods as you feel the symptoms set in can bring about quick and helpful relief.