
Also known as: rutoside, quercetin-3-rutinoside and sophorin.

Rutin is not really an herb itself but instead is an ingredient found in many herbs such as buckwheat.

It has many helpful properties and contains nutrients humans need for healthy living. Some dietary sources of rutin are from black tea and apple peels.

Supplementing your diet is the only way to get rutin in your body as it does not occur naturally.

There are many health supplements that are made with rutin contained in it. There are also pure rutin supplements available.

What is Rutin? It is not exactly an herb itself but it is found in many plants that are used in herbal medicine.

For example, it is found in the buckwheat plant. Rutin itself is solid and is a pale yellow color. It is slightly soluble in water so it is often used in tea form. 

There are health benefits to having rutin in your diet and comes naturally from certain foods.

In addition to the dietary benefits, it is also believed to have certain medicinal effects that many herbalists use even today.

Home Remedies using Rutin:

Benefits of Rutin:

There are several benefits to Rutin in the diet. Rutin may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antithrombotic, cytoprotective and vasoprotective activities which is why it is commonly used in herbal medicine.

Rutin is believed to be helpful in the treatment and management of venous edema. It can help strengthen the capillaries and protect against many toxins.

It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory effects which greatly help swelling. It is even believed to help with some types of cancer.

Rutin is also helpful in treating conditions that cause easy bruising or frail capillaries. Rutin helps produce the oxidation of vitamin C and it has some positive lipid effects.

These are some of the reasons why it is commonly used in addition to other medications or herbal treatments.

Rutin is not produced by the body naturally so it has to be taken as a dietary supplement.

Uses of Rutin:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Protecting against pregnancy
  • As an anti-viral
  • Tea
  • Tincture
  • Capsule

Side Effects of Rutin:

Rutin should not be used in excess; it can cause kidney irritation and liver degeneration. And is not something to be used on a regular basis.