
Other Names:  Beestings, first milk.

Colostrum is the milk produced by mammary glands during the late stages of pregnancy and in the first few days following birth. 

In humans and cows, it is a yellowish color and comes out thick and sticky.  Little is produced, but it is high in antibodies and nutrients, especially carbohydrates and protein. 

Fat content is low because the digestive systems of newborns are not fully developed and have difficulty processing fat.

Origin: Colostrum is produced in the mammary glands of female mammals during the last part of a pregnancy and for a short term after giving birth. 

Production of colostrum can begin as early as the second trimester for some pregnant women.

Forms of Colostrum: Colostrum is a thick, sticky liquid product that resembles a thick, creamy milk product.

Home Remedies using Colostrum:

Benefits and Uses of Colostrum:

For newborns, the use of colostrums is sometimes essential in causing the passage of the first stool. 

It delivers nutrients in very concentrated, low volume forms and acts as a mild laxative. 

This first stool clears bilirubin, which is a waste product containing dead red blood cells. 

These are produced in mass quantities at birth because of a reduction in blood volume. 

Without being removed from the infants body, the child is more likely to have complications such as jaundice.

Colostrum also contains antibodies called secretory immunoglobulin. 

These help to protect mucous membranes located in the lungs, throat, and intestines during early stages of development. 

Leukocytes from the colostrum also assist in protection against viruses and bacteria as the baby’s immune system continues to develop, it also helps to produce beneficial bacteria within the digestive system. 

For premature infants, colostrum is proven to be better than manufactured baby formulas because of the content of growth modulators that assist in adjusting the baby’s digestive system to receive oral feedings.

Additional Information for Colostrum:

Bovine (cow) colostrum is often used as a dietary supplement for humans, promoted with the benefit of curative powers. 

It has often been included in foods fed to ill and invalid individuals for its supposed healing power. 

Extract of purified bovine colostrums is also found in many protein supplements used by bodybuilders and other athletes.