Drosera / Dros

Formal Name: Drosera Rotundifolia

Also Known As: Drosera, Sundew, Round Leaved Sundew, Red Rot, Youthwort, Moorgrass

Drosera happens to be a plant that has been around for years and dates back to ancient times. It was initially looked to as a remedy in traditional medicine for melancholy emotions and related symptoms.

It was discovered early within homeopathy and was initially found to help eat away at any type of sores. As with any other aspect of homeopathy, the preparation for the homeopathic remedy of drosera is crucial to ensure that it is taken as it is meant to be.

Drosera is made using the entire fresh flowering plant. Though this is a necessity for the beginning of the process, after the process there will be virtually no traces remaining of it whatsoever. The plant is macerated in alcohol and what remains is a homeopathic remedy that many people have turned to throughout time.

Homeopathic Remedies using Drosera:

Benefits/Uses of Drosera:

Violent Coughs:

Typically drosera works well for coughs that are deep and rather violent in nature. This may be part of whooping cough or may just be a standalone symptom that can be unbearable at times. There may be other related symptoms ranging from cold sweats to vomiting as a result of the cough where drosera may work as a homeopathic remedy.

Growing Pains:

Drosera has been looked to as a homeopathic remedy for bone pains of all types, and therefore may work quite well for growing pains as well. For children who have a hard time concentrating or coping with their growing pains, drosera may offer some great assistance.


Though drosera is given most often for restlessness in children, it may be applicable for anybody suffering from this. The emotions may seem a bit unbalanced as a result of this condition and this may lead to growing anxiety. This shows up as both physical and emotional symptoms in most individuals.

Homeopathic Remedy Profile for Drosera:

Drosera tends to work well as a homeopathic remedy for children, though it can be helpful for adults who suffer from related symptoms. Typically this homeopathic remedy works well for physical and emotional symptoms that may be tied closely together with restlessness and the inability to concentrate. It can help with pains as well as emotional imbalance and therefore the range of uses and types of people that can use it are far reaching.