
Like it or not, people are subject to getting worms. Intestinal worms, such as tapeworm and hookworms, can be picked up from a variety of sources.

Intestinal worms are most commonly contracted through the handling and consumption of uncooked and undercooked foods.

It is also possible to get worms by walking barefoot and living in conditions that are not clean.

When intestinal worms are present in the body, a number of symptoms are likely to occur.

They include such things as abdominal pain, digestive problems, weight loss, fever, itching and more.

While severe symptoms might require medical intervention, there are home remedies and natural cures that can also work to treat worms.

Natural Cures For Worms:

To get rid of worms, people will find there are a variety of natural cures and home remedies that can prove very effective. What works best will depend on the type of infestation present.

The options include everything from lifestyle alterations to herbal home remedy products such as:


How to remove worms can be answered by the consumption of fresh garlic.

This herb is known to assist in the removal of a variety of worms and has been used by people for centuries.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Eating pumpkin seeds can prove to be a very effective home remedy for worms.

This works especially well for intestinal worms like tapeworms.

To get the most out of this natural cure make sure to eat pumpkin seeds frequently.


Switching to a high fiber diet if a worm infestation is present can work well as a natural cure.

This will help flush worms out of your system.


Taking supplements like acidophilus can help serve as a home remedy for worms.

Probiotics are especially useful for keeping worms in check and stopping them from spreading.

Vitamin C:

This natural cure can help increase immune system functioning, which will assist in killing off worms and flushing them from the system.

Avoiding Certain Foods:

As far as home remedy options are concerned, it is important to make sure that diet does not actually nourish worms in a manner they prefer.

To promote faster removal of intestinal parasites, avoid sugary foods, dairy products, juices and most fruits.


Eating carrots can help flush out worms from the system more quickly.

Honey And Papaya:

Creating a mixture of honey and papaya seeds can help push worms through the system rapidly.

Make sure to consume plenty of water to help with the flushing process.