Many of us have suffered from jaw pain or jaw stiffness at one point or another. This may come about due to a number of reasons. However for some people, this presents itself in a very serious health condition known as TMJ.

Temporomandibular joint disorder, otherwise known as TMJ, has become a very common health problem in the jaw. This is quite common amongst those who grind or clench their teeth. The problem is some of these people may not even realize they are clenching or grinding because it may occur while they are sleeping.

Therefore it’s quite important to seek medical attention to ensure this is in fact what is going on. A doctor may take x-rays or perform a physical exam to find out what is going on. The pain may be very easily identified, and therefore a doctor can confirm the diagnosis.

Oftentimes those that suffer from TMJ may be given a mouth guard to put in while they sleep. This may prevent the problem from getting any worse if the individual is diligent about using it. It may also be worth trying out some jaw exercise. If nothing else works, then surgery may be required.

Whatever is actually causing the problem, it is quite important to follow the directions of your doctor to ensure relief from the pain. It can also be helpful to turn to effective home remedies for TMJ as well.

Home Remedies for TMJ:

Diet Adjustments:

Sometimes eating hard foods or those that require a big bite such as a bagel can tend to aggravate the condition. Therefore it is very important to adjust your diet to eat softer foods, particularly if you are suffering through a rather painful episode.

Making these simple adjustments within your diet can help to lessen the side effects and the pain directly.

Heat and Ice:

As the source of the pain becomes inflamed and flares up, it’s really important to work through this pain appropriately.

Mixing it up with heat and then ice can help to alleviate the pain and allow an individual to deal with this problem naturally and effectively.

Alternating ice pacts and heat directly to the area can work really well as a home remedy for TMJ.

Garlic Supplement:

As pain relief is very necessary with this condition, it may work best to turn to a very natural source.

Taking a garlic supplement each day may work best, and may serve as a nice substitute to eating raw garlic cloves each day.

Garlic can help to act as a natural pain reliever, and therefore is an excellent home remedy for TMJ.