Tired Eyes

Tired eyes, besides causing physical discomfort, are also physically unattractive. Having tired eyes can result from many things.

Here is a list of just a few:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Irritation due to contact lenses
  • Illness
  • Strain caused by computer glare
  • Inadequate lighting

Your tired eyes can be exhibited through a number of physical signs, including puffiness, itchiness, soreness, dark circles and being bloodshot. 

Home Remedies for Tired Eyes

There are a variety of ways to get rid of your tired eyes. Some home remedies can provide relief to all your irritations at once, while others are more specific to certain symptoms.

Natural cures can help restore a gleam to your beautiful eyes.

Cold Water Compress

If your eyes are itchy or bloodshot, try the home remedy most often employed for eye troubles.

  1. Immerse a washcloth in ice cold water and place over your face until the washcloth warms. 
  2. Reapply the cold compress until the itchiness abates.

Milk Puffs

The healing properties of milk have long been understood as a natural cure to a variety of ailments.  Dip cotton rounds in whole milk, squeeze excess liquid out and place on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes, several times a day. 

This home remedy will relieve any soreness you are experience with your tired eyes while helping to reduce puffiness.

Cucumber Slices

Long the choice of divas and spas, slices of cucumbers can be used as a natural cure for the puffiness that your tired eyes can experience. 

After peeling a cucumber, relax with cucumber slices covering your closed eyes for up to half an hour, several times a day.  The juice from the cucumber can also help reduce dark circles you may experience.

Tea Bags

Use caffeinated tea bags of your choice to make a brew that will be one of the best home remedies for your eyes. 

  1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil and add two tea bags. Let it boil for 5 minutes then remove from the heat and let it cool down.  By heating the tea, you are releasing caffeine and tannins from the leaves.
  2. Once fully chilled and before placing on your eyes, squeeze out as much water as you can.
  3. Place the tea bags over your eyes for about ten minutes. Now relax as it can help take away itchiness, reduce dark circles and puffiness, sooth soreness and reduce the bloodshot appearance. 

Note: It is important you squeeze as much excess liquid from the tea bag so they do not leak in your eyes. If this happens it could cause a burning sensation, itching, and redness.

Warm Water Compress

To relax and calm your tired eyes after a long day, bring water to a boil.  Remove from heat and allow to sit for several minutes, until you can comfortable touch water without burning. 

Immerse a washcloth in the water and drape across your face to relieve pain and irritation was gearing up to enjoy a good night’s sleep.