Plantar Fasciitis

If you have been suffering from a terrible aching pain when you get up on your feet first thing in the morning, chances are that you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis.

In this condition that is common amongst athletes who are on their feet a lot, the plantar fascia becomes inflamed and irritated. This can cause extreme pain in the area and make the simple activity of walking rather difficult.

Though it is quite common amongst athletes, it can hit people at any point in their life. It can be as simple as an overextension or even overuse that can cause plantar fasciitis to set in and cause some overwhelming pain and discomfort.

As the plantar fascia becomes irritated and inflamed, the pain becomes more intense. This condition can start off as a slow throbbing pain and turn into one that makes getting out of bed and getting on your feet very difficult.

This can even come about from wearing shoes that don’t offer proper cushioning, so you see that it affects people at any stage of life. It can be helpful to seek medical condition if you are having such pain to get a proper diagnosis.

Most of the time no medication will be prescribed, but there are some simple measures that can help to get rid of the pain but not usually the condition itself.

Fortunately there are some excellent home remedies for plantar fasciitis that can help the individual to function normally and get some relief.

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis:


Ginger can help with so many things, and here it shows up as a home remedy for plantar fasciitis.

Ginger can help to ease the swelling and the pain associated with this condition and allows the individual to live a normal and pain free life.

Eating fresh ginger a couple of times a day can help to ease the pain and minimize how the condition affects the patient.


As with many foot conditions, ice can be your best friend and it’s no different with this condition.

Here we look to ice as a home remedy for plantar fasciitis because it can help to ease the swelling and the associated pain.

It can be especially helpful at the onset of the pain and other symptoms associated the condition and can allow the individual to suffer very little.

Keep an ice pack nearby, particularly if you plan on being on your feet a lot for instant relief.

Cushioned Shoes:

Since wearing improper shoes can help to contribute to the likelihood of this condition, it only makes sense that wearing proper cushioned shoes acts as a home remedy for plantar fasciitis.

Whether you currently suffer from plantar fasciitis and are looking for relief or want to do your part to prevent it from forming, wearing shoes that have a good solid cushioned base can be a helpful natural cure.