Plantar Fascia

The plantar fascia is the thick connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot.

Many people don’t know the official name of this body part, but they do know the pain that can be caused when it becomes inflamed and irritated.

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia becomes inflamed, resulting in extreme pain. Though it is common amongst pregnant women, obese or even diabetic patients, it can affect anyone.

Anybody who overstretches or overloads the plantar fascia can tear this tissue, ending up in severe pain. It can hurt even just to walk, or most commonly to get out of bed in the morning.

Though there are a number of causes that can contribute to the cause of having an inflamed plantar fascia, the pain is always rather severe. It is quite important to seek out medical attention for this condition to ensure that a proper diagnosis and treatment plan is devised.

The recommendation of a doctor may range from simple exercises or in more severe instances could result in surgery. As the plantar fascia is a very integral part of the body, it requires proper care and attention.

Though there are some medications out on the market, they usually help to relieve the pain rather than to get rid of the condition. It can be helpful to know that there are some helpful home remedies for a plantar fascia problem, well worth implementing into a regular routine.

Home Remedies for Plantar Fascia:


There are specific exercises that can be quite helpful in acting as a natural cure for a plantar fascia problem. These include stretching the muscles around the area properly and rising up and down on the feet.

Exercise can be simple to do in the comfort of your own home, and are highly recommended to make a part of your routine, preferably first thing in the morning when the pain can be the most severe.


As the tear is usually accompanied by some inflammation, it can be quite helpful to ice the area.

This can help to relieve the pain and to bring down any swelling or inflammation associated with a plantar fascia problem.

Using ice on a regular basis, particularly as the pain begins to really develop can bring immediate relief and act as a great home remedy for a plantar fascia problem.

Proper Shoes:

Though it may sound like common sense, it is highly recommended to wear comfortable and appropriate shoes in the prevention of such a problem.

Not only can it be helpful in curing any pain associated with the condition, but it can also help to act as a home remedy for an already existing plantar fascia problem.

Wearing cushioned shoes with good support is a good idea to prevent any problems or further complications.