
Mononucleosis is a virus that is quite common and is very contagious in nature. This viral infection is known by many common names such as “kissing disease” or “mono”.

It is caused by a virus known as Epstein-Barr and is usually transferred through infected saliva. As it is highly contagious, it can be transferred from kissing or simply sharing a drink or utensils with somebody who already has the virus.

This virus usually affects the liver, lymphatic system, and respiratory system and it is most commonly known to cause extreme exhaustion.

If somebody is exhibiting extreme exhaustion or other symptoms such as a sore throat or swollen tonsils, fever, or swollen or sore joints, then it is recommended that they seek medical attention.

It’s important to be sure that it is in fact mononucleosis and nothing more serious. The only real issue is since it is in fact a virus, there is often not much that a doctor or any treatment plan can do to help or cure mononucleosis.

The best thing that an individual infected with this virus can do is to get rest and ensure that they give it time and allow it to move throughout the body and dissipate.

In addition to rest, there are some simple and effective home remedies for mononucleosis that may make it a bit more tolerable and help it to move out a bit faster.

Home Remedies for Mononucleosis:


Garlic is one of the most popular natural cures out there for any number of ailments, and so it is no surprise that it should help with this virus.

Though it can’t cure the virus it can certainly bring some relief and allow it to move out much faster.

Eating a couple of raw garlic cloves at the onset of the virus can help to act as a home remedy for mononucleosis and bring the individual relief from the associated symptoms.

Eucalyptus and Lavendar:

There’s a reason that aromatherapy has become so popular in recent years, and the use of both eucalyptus and lavender through this provides the best results.

Using these two in a bath and in oils that the individual can breathe in serves as an excellent home remedy for mononucleosis.

This can help with exhaustion and allow the individual to feel much better as this virus passes through the body.

Vitamin Therapy:

Taking the essential daily vitamins and then greatly expanding on them can be a much needed home remedy for mononucleosis.

Taking supplements such as Vitamins C, A, and B complex as well as magnesium, potassium, and calcium can help to boost the immune system and allow the individual to feel better a lot faster.

Taking supplements is highly recommended as well as eating a well balanced diet rich in these nutrients to help bring relief from the symptoms a lot faster.