
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box or larynx.

This can happen from overuse, irritation or infection. Laryngitis is a swelling that can cause sound distortion produced by air passing over, which makes your voice sound hoarse.

In severe cases your voice can become almost undetectable.

Natural Remedies for Laryngitis:

If you have laryngitis, the best thing you can do is stop talking. You have to rest your voice and your body in order to recover. Whispering actually puts more of a strain on your throat and voice than speaking normally.

The most effective remedy is to stop using your voice. Use a notepad and pen and communicate by writing, your Ipad, etc. It is important to avoid irritants like dust, smoke, or any tobacco smoke or fumes as it will make the laryngitis worse.

Lemon and Honey:

Warm soothing drinks are a great natural remedy for laryngitis. One of the best warm drinks is to add the juice of ½ a lemon to water as hot as you can drink it. Add honey to taste. The honey is really important for soothing the throat.

Humidifier or Vaporizer:

Another natural remedy for laryngitis is to keep the respiratory tract moist as much as possible. Besides drinking lemon and honey, use a humidifier if you have one. Keep it on throughout the day. Add oils like Benzoin, Sandalwood, or Thyme. These oils used in a vaporizer or humidifier reservoir will help soothe the dry, inflamed membranes of your throat and will also make breathing easier.

If you don’t have a humidifier or vaporizer, then either take lots of hot showers, or sit in the bathroom with the shower running for about twenty minutes at a time and breathe in the warm steam. Put towels across the door/floor opening to keep the steam in the room.

You can put a couple drops of Benzoin, Sandalwood, or Thyme oil in the shower. The steam will help keep the respiratory tract moist and reduce secretions that can make the symptoms of laryngitis worse.


You can make a home made gargle for laryngitis and use the substance to gargle five to six times a day. Add two drops of any of the following tinctures or oils to a glass of cooled boiled water:

  • Black Pepper
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Cajuput
  • Geranium
  • Niaouli

Other Laryngitis Home Remedies:

  • Heat towels and apply them as compresses to the throat.
  • Put a pot on to boil and carefully inhale the steam.
  • Suck on slippery elm or menthol lozenges.