
Lactation is the secretion of milk from the mammary glands. The milk is used to feed the babies and this process is known as breastfeeding or nursing. Lactation is necessary in order to provide both nutrition and natural immunities through the mother’s milk.

Natural Remedies for Increasing Lactation

Home remedies go a long way to increase breast milk. Before you head to your local pharmacy for a medication to boost your milk production, why not give home remedies a try.


Since biblical times Fenugreek has been used to support healthy milk production. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens, a natural plant chemical that mimics female hormones. Clinical tests have shown that Fenugreek has a natural tonic effect, increasing a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb.

Fenugreek can be taken as a tea or in supplement form. Some side effects are flatulence and nausea. Discuss this and all options with your physician.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a great supplement for stimulating the production of breast milk in nursing mothers. It also has properties that support the liver which helps clean out synthetic substances like pesticides and pollution from mother’s milk. Milk thistle can be taken as a tea or in supplement form. Generally considered a safe herb, there are some possible side effects, check with your doctor or lactation specialist prior to use.

Goat’s Rue

As a naturopathic galactogogue, Goat’s Rue supports the production of milk right after childbirth, and it helps the body produce an ongoing healthy milk volume. Goats Rue also helps support healthy blood sugar levels. Do not use the fresh plant but capsules or tea.

To make the tea, use one teaspoon dried leaves (can put leaves in cheesecloth) to eight ounces water. Boil then simmer about 10 minutes. Can drink up to three cups daily. Capsules can also be taken up to four times daily. Check with your doctor for use as there are allergic side effects of the pea family and it can lower blood sugar levels if you have diabetes.

Stay Hydrated and Eat a Healthy Diet

Something we should all do is drink plenty of water. No difference here - try drinking at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water daily. Being a new mom you might find you're lacking in the energy department. Try eating a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, yogurt or eggs. Make a delicious smoothie for lunch. Add flaxseed meal to salads and smoothies for a little extra boost.

Eat iron rich foods, salmon, chicken, beef, almonds, avocado, squash, beans, leafy greens and and yellow vegetables along with plenty of fruits.

Other Natural Remedies to Increase Lactation

  • Taking 1/2 teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon mixed in 1 cup of milk each night.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of cumin powder and 1 teaspoon of sugar in warm milk and drink after dinner each day for several days.
  • Eating cooked, unripe papayas will help increase lactation.
  • Boil 2 teaspoons fennel seeds in barley water and drink two or three times a day.
  • Another treatment is to grind a bitter gourd or karela leaves into a fine paste and coat your breasts.

There are also several helpful home remedies that can help stop lactation, including the following:

Decrease Lactation by Weaning After Breastfeeding

Weaning Baby

Once you’ve breast fed or pumped your breasts for any length of time the best way to decrease or stop lactation is to slowly wean the child from the breast milk. Stopping without a weaning period can be painful.

Start the process by feeding the baby or pumping for less time on each side. For example, if you’ve been feeding or pumping for fifteen minutes on each side, then reduce this down to ten minutes. Supplement the feeding with additional formula.

Go Longer Between Pumping

At the same time, go longer in between pumps or breast feedings. If you normally feed or pump every two hours, try for three. Supplement by feeding the baby a snack or small bottle of formula based on doctor’s recommendations.

Keep Yourself Busy

Try to keep busy and your mind off of breastfeeding. This will help your body control the urge to produce milk. If your baby is sick or teething it is generally a bad time to try and wean them from breastfeeding as they will want to nurse for comfort. The baby’s crying will also make your milk come in.

Decrease Lactation with Sage

A tincture or tea of salvia or sage is often used to stop lactation. Containing a natural form of estrogen, Sage tea will help decrease your milk supply and eventually dry up lactation. Sage can be purchased in tea form from the health food store or you can use the kitchen spice by putting 1 tsp of dried sage into 1 cup of hot water.

Let the tea steep for 15 minutes, strain and add milk or honey to taste. The drink is pretty bitter. Drink one full cup every six hours and your milk will typically dry up quickly.

Image courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt, CC BY Flickr.