Ear Infections

You hear of ear infections most commonly in babies and small children. As their ears aren’t fully developed yet and bacteria can easily form there, the likelihood of them gaining ear infections increases.

Though it is more common in the younger set, it is quite possible that adults can get ear infections too. There are any number of reasons why an individual may get such an infection ranging from bacteria to a simple but dangerous blockage.

Whatever the reason for the ear infection, it is a good idea to visit a doctor to ensure that the individual gets proper diagnosis and treatment.

There are some medications that can prove to be quite helpful in combating this type of infection. It can of course be helpful to know that there are some effective home remedies for an ear infection that can work alone or go hand in hand with other treatment plans that a doctor can prescribe.

So if you feel some of the symptoms such as pain and itching within or around the ear, or even a temporary reduction in hearing, you may want to try some of these more natural cures.

You may just find that some of these items found in the comfort of your own home can be quite effective in handling such an infection and keeping it from getting any worse.

Home Remedies for Ear Infections:

Vitamin C and Zinc:

Some ear infections are believed to be brought on due to a nutritional deficiency. Therefore increasing your consumption of some of these nutrients can prove to be quite helpful.

Vitamin C and zinc specifically can be of great help in acting as home remedies for an ear infection.

Taking both the supplements and increasing your consumption of foods believed to be rich in both nutrients such as citrus fruits and leafy greens can be of great help.

Garlic Juice:

The old wives’ tale of garlic for just about everything has some real legitimate fact to it as well. In this instance however using natural garlic juice is the answer and it should be applied to the site of the infection.

Garlic has some excellent natural healing powers and using it in the form of the juice in this instance can serve as an excellent home remedy for an ear infection, and bring immediate relief to the individual suffering from it.

Olive Oil:

Yet another excellent natural cure for so many different ailments, we see it show up yet again as a great remedy here.

Warm a few teaspoons of olive oil, but be sure not to overheat or make too hot to the touch. Then place the warmed olive oil right at the site of the infection and you will feel almost immediate relief.

Olive oil is great for many things and can be an amazing home remedy for an ear infection.

Image courtesy of: Amanda Richards