Ear Ringing and Tinnitus

A high-pitched squeal, whistling, 'ringing', hissing or other phantom sounds (in the aspect that no one else can hear these noises) perceived either intermittently or constantly, in the ears, is called Tinnitus, tinnitus aurium.

It is also called ‘ringing in the ears’ by many people.

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, can be caused by various reasons such as:

  • Loud noises, such as explosions, machinery, music, or gun shots.
  • Otitus Media (an ear infection)
  • Blocked eustachian tube or ear canal
  • Tumors of the middle ear
  • Meniere's disease, an inner ear disorder
  • Taking too much aspirin
  • Too much quinine
  • Damaged cilia cells
  • Side effects from drugs (Listed as a side effect for more than 200 common drugs)
  • Anemia
  • Age related hearing loss
  • Heart or blood vessel disorders
  • Hypothyroidism

Limit salt intake. Salt can cause fluid retention, which can worsen ear ringing. Alcohol, smoking, and caffeine can make tinnitus worse.

If you suffer from tinnitus, you may also experience a lack of sleep, problems concentrating, anxiety, fatigue and irritability.

Home Remedies for Ear Ringing and Tinnitus:

Loud Noises

Avoid loud noises. If you work around loud noises, wear ear protection such as ear plugs.

If your tinnitus seems worse at night when everything is quiet, turn on a fan, radio, or white noise machine to mask the ringing in your ears.


Since stress makes tinnitus worse, one sensible solution would be to avoid stress, even if it means taking stress management courses, or practicing relaxation techniques.


Avoid taking too much aspirin, especially if you take aspirin daily for a condition such as arthritis, if tinnitus becomes problematic, consult with your doctor for an alternative medication.

Warm Compress

Increase circulation to the ear by applying a warm compress to the back of the neck for about thirty minutes before bed.


Ayurveda is a school of thought that postulates that every ailment can be cured through cleansing the body to rid it of toxins.

Ayurveda believes that chemical drugs are toxic to the body, and that nature provides everything we need to stay well.

According to the principles of Ayruveda, tinnitus is a condition that can be cured by regularly consuming a tea of up to one teaspoon each of comfrey, cinnamon, and chamomile, steeped in a cup of water, to be taken two or three times a day.

Herbal Remedies

Gently rub the bone behind your ear, with warm sesame oil once in the morning and once in the evening.

Place three drops of warm garlic oil in your ear before bed each night.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Ringing ears or Tinnitus one mg. Vitamin B12, 30mg Zinc with 3mg copper, 50 mg Vitamin B complex, twice a day, 400 IU Vitamin E with mixed tocoherols, and 10,000 IU of Vitamin A (not to be taken, if you think you might be pregnant.)