Bladder Infections

Though they will affect most women at least once in their lifetime, bladder infections can be quite frustrating for those who suffer from them.

Though there are a variety of reasons or causes that this infection sets in, there is usually some level of bacteria present that has caused it.

This can result in painful irritation, a constant urge to run to the bathroom, and a constant burning sensation. The types and severity of symptoms may vary from one person to another, but bladder infections are something you want to get cleared up immediately.

Only a doctor can give an accurate diagnosis and associated treatment plan for bladder infections. Even if you have suffered from them in the past, it is always recommended to seek medical attention to be sure that it’s nothing more severe.

Fortunately there are some excellent medications out on the market that can help with the pain, and can work to clear up the infection.

These can become quite common for some women throughout pregnancy or during their monthly cycles as fluctuating hormone levels may contribute to their development. There are also plenty of other factors such as improper wiping that may contribute to the onset of these.

There are also some excellent home remedies for bladder infections that can bring about immediate relief for those who may suffer from them.

Home Remedies for Bladder Infections:

Cranberry Juice:

Whether you’ve actually had this infection or not, you may have heard that cranberry juice works well as a home remedy for bladder infections.

A natural form of this powerful juice works to clear up the infection and brings relief from the painful and irritating symptoms that are associated with it.

Drinking plenty of it when infected can bring about relief, and regular consumption can work well towards prevention.

Drinking Plenty of Fluids:

One of the best ways to get rid of this infection is to flush it out.

Drinking plenty of water and other clear and natural fluids helps to clear up the problem and works well as a home remedy for bladder infections.

This ensures that the body stays clean and that the system works to prevent this infection from causing additional problems.

Vitamin C:

One of the very ingredients that proves helpful in cranberry juice can work well on its own as a home remedy for bladder infections.

If afflicted with this common infection, it can be quite helpful to bump up your consumption of Vitamin C.

Eating foods that are rich in Vitamin C, as well as taking a daily supplement will help to ward off the infection and prevent it from coming back.