
Asthma is a respiratory ailment in which a trigger causes airways to constrict (narrow) become inflamed, and lined with mucus, resulting in difficulty breathing and a hacking cough. It can be triggered by allergies, smoke, stress, exercise, or other outside stimulants, even the common cold. It is most commonly treated by the use of bronchodilators and lifestyle changes.

Asthma can be a debilitating condition for those who suffer from it. The very act of exercise or just simple tasks can cause somebody to launch into an attack. This inflammation can make breathing difficult for the individual suffering from the condition, and can often result in an asthma attack which makes it very difficult for the sufferer to catch their breath.

Many who suffer from asthma must use an inhaler. This is to help them breathe in fresh air, particularly if they are faced with an attack and need to calm their body down and get the air that they need. This can be a frustrating condition for children and adults alike and is often rather difficult to rely on that tiny little inhaler to get some piece of mind.

Here are some common sense home remedies that can help those that suffer with the very frustrating asthma.

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Asthma


Most medical professionals and asthma sufferers recognize that certain triggers provoke attacks. Many of the triggers are common foods or chemical additives to foods.

Common foods, such as milk, dairy products, eggs, chicken, shellfish, peanuts, and wheat products, common preservatives and food additives, are recognized as potential asthma triggers, and a common sense natural cure would be to determine which antagonists are contributing to the problem, and eliminate them from the diet.

Keeping a diary of foods consumed on a daily basis, might help to determine a correlation between asthma attacks and certain foods, or foods containing preservatives or additives.

Once a food, additive, or preservative is identified, a home remedy of simply eliminating the element from the asthmatic’s diet, could eliminate the asthma completely, or at least provide some relief from the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms.

A Natural Cure for asthma, practiced by Native Americans, is simple. Slice a lemon into quarters, inhale the lemon, and eat a quarter of the lemon, rind and all, and drink a glass of water. Something in the lemons and the rind relieves asthma symptoms.


A good diet is a must, but the following supplements are thought to be helpful for Asthma sufferers: Omega-3s (fish oil), magnesium, choline, antioxidants in general (Vitamin C, E, etc.), caffeine. Homeopathic practitioners claim adding Vitamin B-12, mullein extract, quercetin, and apple cider vinegar to the diet can help relieve, eliminate, or lessen the frequency of asthma attacks.


Halotherapy or salt therapy has been thought to be helpful and involves breathing in air with tiny salt particles to help improve breathing. Halotherapy is an alternative treatment for many type of lung and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cough.


Regular exercise, increased gradually, can prevent exercise-induced asthma; by gradually acclimating the body to the activity.


Many natural cures abound, but the common thread seems to be lemon or honey. Lemon contains vitamin C which is good for the immune system. Raw honey contains local pollens which, if ingested are thought to help to build up natural histamine immunity. Mixing ground lemon (peel included) and safflower oil with honey taken morning and night is also said to be an effective preventative for asthma.

  • Three or four dried figs, cleaned in warm water and soaked overnight, eaten every morning, are said to aid in draining off phlegm in asthma sufferers.
  • A tonic made of five grams of gooseberries and one tablespoon of honey, taken every morning, is said to be an effective natural cure for asthma.
  • Honey can also be mixed with garlic cloves as a very helpful natural cure.


Garlic has anti-inflammatory compounds that may ease your asthma symptoms. Steep garlic in boiling water and drink it like tea after the water has cooled. You can also make a more filling broth by boiling garlic with milk, add a dash of fresh ground pepper and then given to the individual suffering from asthma. This should be given every day in an effort to open up the air passages and minimize the effects and the likelihood of an attack or flare up.

Radish, Honey, and Lemon Juice

Mixing together radish, honey, and lemon juice in a blender can make a very powerful and natural cure for the asthma sufferer. This mixture can do wonders for dealing with the onset of symptoms and even eliminating flare ups.

Mustard Oil and Camphor Aromatherapy

If the individual is suffering from an attack, there are a couple of things to keep on hand as a natural home remedy. Mixing mustard oil and camphor creates a natural cure and should be rubbed over the front and the back of the chest to aid in breathing and eliminating the symptoms that an attack can bring on.