Horse Chestnut

Species Name: Aesculus Hippocastanum.

Also known as: Spanish chestnut, Horse chestnut, Buckeye, Hippocastanum vulgare.

The parts of the horse chestnut that are used for herbal remedies are the leaves, bark, fruit and seeds.

Although today mainly just the seeds are used.

Poisoning can sometimes occur from the seeds, leaves or shell of the capsule; however it appears that the poison can be destroyed by roasting the seeds.

What is Horse Chestnut: The horse chestnut is a very large tree that can grow up to eighty feet high.

It is native to Northern Greece and Asia. However, it can now be found in North America and Europe.

This tree has wide branches and the bark is a grey to green looking color. The wood from this tree is very soft and is not used for building.

This tree contains fruit that looks like a thorny capsule and it has up to six large seeds inside.

It has leaves that are divided into either five or seven leaflets with a wedge shape. It also has flowers that bloom in May and June. These flowers are yellow, white and red.

This herb contains flavonoids, tannins and sterols properties. It is possible that the tree got its name form the numerous tiny branches that look like tiny horseshoes, although they are really leaf scars.

Home remedies using horse chestnut:

Benefits of Horse Chestnut:

Horse Chestnut has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for reducing swelling that is caused by traumas such as a head injury, sports injuries or surgery.

It has also been beneficial in promoting blood circulation through your veins and therefore, it is used for treating varicose veins.

Horse chestnut has also been used to treat arthritis and rheumatism.

It is beneficial when used to reduce fevers and relieve coughing.

When the poultices found in the seeds of this herb are used externally it can treat skin cancer and ulcers of the skin.

Uses of Horse Chestnut:

  • Sprains
  • Rheumatism and arthritis
  • Varicose veins
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Edema
  • Infusion
  • Topical
  • Powder

Side Effects of Horse Chestnut:

The main side effects of the horse chestnut include nausea, itching and a rash.

There are more server side effects that include paralysis, difficulties in breathing, coma and possibly even death.

Poisoning can occur if the unprocessed herb has been consumed.

It has also been a few secluded reports of kidney damage.

Women that are pregnant or nursing should not use this herb.