Sarsaparilla Extract

Species Name: Smilax regelii

Also Known As: Smilax officinalis, catbriers, sasprilla, Honduran sarsaparilla, Jamaican sarsaparilla, zarzaparrilla

What is sarsaparilla extract? The extract comes from the sarsaparilla plant, a woody vine plant known for its strong, spicy flavor.

It has tendrils for climbing, heart shaped leaves and small flowers with berry-like fruit. Some species are thorny and can overtake and climb up other trees.

The name of the plant is Spanish in origin "Sarza" meaning bramble and "parilla" meaning vine.

Sarsaparilla has been used in soft-drink recipes to create the foaming properties such as the foam when pouring a root beer. It has also been used because of its sweet taste.

The root can be cooked and is said to have a flavor similar to asparagus.

The plant is native to Central America and was brought to Europe from the New World. When it was there it was formally used for syphilis and registered in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia a medicinal reference guide.

It was also historically used for fever, digestive problems, leprosy and for cancer.

You can find sarsaparilla in capsule and powdered form, in teas and tinctures and homeopathic pellets.

Home Remedies Using Sarsaparilla Extract

Benefits of Sarsaparilla Extract

Even though no longer officially used as a cure for Syphilis, sarsaparilla is considered to be anti-microbial and harmful to viruses and bacteria. This root has been used both orally and topically for a variety of skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema. Sarsaparilla has also been used to help wounds heal and to reduce the size and side effects of boils and abscesses.

Sarsaparilla extract is thought to improve sexual health in both men and women. It is believed to increase the sex drive of both genders by increasing testosterone. In this way it is also helpful with symptoms of menopause like anxiety, bloating, hot flashes, night sweats and loss of sexual drive.

Because it promotes sweating and urination it is also believed to help those  looking for a full body cleanse. It is considered to purify the blood and be a tonic for overall health of the body.

The plant contains iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium all important minerals that can help the body function.

Sarsaparilla contains beta-sitosterol which has anti-inflammatory properties. Those who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism and joint pain may want to try sarsaparilla. It may also help with bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other health problems related to inflammation.

Side Effects of Sarsaparilla Extract

While sarsaparilla extract is known to provide multiple benefits, it may be toxic to the liver in large doses. In small doses it is considered to be safe.

Sarsaparilla extracts may cause stomach and breathing issues. Sarsaparilla may also cause individuals to break out in hives or a rash.

It can increase and decrease absorption of other medications and could cause negative interactions.

If you are currently taking medications or are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, contact your physician prior to use.

Please consult with a doctor before starting any herbal remedy.
