Sage Leaf Extract

Species Name: Salvia officinalis

Also Known As: Salvia, sage, sarubia, spanish sage leaf, garden sage, dalmatian sage, common sage

What is sage leaf extract? Sage leaf extract comes from sage plant, which is small and perennial.

It has woody type stems with grayish leaves and purple flowers. Sage was originally found in the Mediterranean, but can now be found throughout the world.

Sage leaf was originally used by the ancient Romans as a way to improve fertility in women and to heal snakebites. The name actually comes from the Latin “salvere”, meaning “to save”. Sage leaf extracts come from the same sage leaf leaves that are used as ornamental plants in gardens and for culinary purposes.

Home Remedies Using Sage Leaf Extract:

Benefits of Sage Leaf Extract:

Sage leaf extract has been known to have anti-bacterial properties. These properties were utilized by the ancient Romans, who used the plant for cuts and other open wounds. The extract also exhibits antiseptic benefits both inside the body and out, helping those with throat infections, mouth infections, and intestinal infections. Both the anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties are believed to be from the volatile oils found in the plant itself.

Sage leaf is known for providing strong benefits to women dealing with menopause. Studies are still being done to better understand how sage leaf extracts manage to lessen the effects of hot flushes and menopausal sweating.

Those who are having difficulty with their memory may consider using sage leaf extract, although more evidence is needed to fully know how effective it is.

There are some lesser-known uses of sage leaf that may be of benefit to a wide variety of people. Sage leaf extracts have been used as antispasmodic agents, helping to reduce the effects of muscle spasms. This particular herbal extract has also been used as an anti-fungal and antibiotic agent, as well as used as a general tonic.

Side Effects of Sage Leaf Extract:

There are some side effects that need to be considered by those who are looking to make sage leaf extract a part of their regular herbal regimen. The extract is considered somewhat toxic when taken in large quantities for extended periods of time.

Pregnant women should stay away from the extract, as should women who are breastfeeding. Finally, those with epilepsy are advised to avoid the use of sage leaf extracts.