Eleuthero Root Extract

Species name: Eleutherococcus senticosus

Also known as: Siberian ginseng Acanthopanax senticosus, Devil's Shrub, Eleuthera, Shigoka, Touch-Me-Not, Devil's Bush, Ginseng Root.

What is Eleuthero Root Extract? The eleuthero is a plant that is native to Siberia and the Korean peninsula. It is also native to the Pacific Northwest due to cultivation.

Eleuthero used to be marketed as “siberian ginseng.” Part of the reason for this name is based on the fact that the healing properties of eleuthero are similar to that of panax ginseng.

Eleuthero Root Tea Preparation:

To make a healing tea from eleuthero root extract:

  • Pour one cup of hot water over approximately 1 teaspoon of dried powder.
  • Steep for about 10 minutes and drink daily.

Home Remedies using Eleuthero Root Extract:

Benefits of Eleuthero Root Extract:

The dried powdered roots of eleuthero can be mixed with vodka and purified water to make a tincture.

Be sure to keep this mixture at room temperature in a dark bottle and away from sunlight for 4-6 weeks. Once strained, this tincture can be taken daily to boost vitality and assist with immunity.

Ancient Chinese medicine has used eleuthero root extract for thousands of years. This extract is quite popular to enhance mental and physical vitality and boost athletic performance. In fact, eleuthero root extract has been shown to increase muscles and increase the body’s ability to burn fat. As a result, this extract is popular with athletes around the world.

As far as mental performance goes, this extract can enhance memory and concentration. It helps tremendously with cognitive abilities. It assists with fatigue and increases blood flow to the heart.

Eleuthero root extract is commonly used as an adaptogen, and helps the body adapt to stress. It can help the body to repair itself and restore its balance. Eleuthero root extract has been shown to lower cortisol levels in the body.

Many people take eleuthero root extract as a tonic for immunity. It fights colds, flu’s and infections. Further, this extract has powerful chemo protective ability. In fact, it was widely used to treat radiation after Chernobyl. Studies also show that eleuthero root extract can counteract cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

Eleuthero root extract corrects impairments that are caused from lack of blood supply to brain. Overview of eleuthero root uses are:

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Enhances memory
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Protects against radiation
  • Helps with Concentration
  • Boosts energy
  • Bronchitis
  • Fights Stress
  • Helps with Flu’s and Colds
  • Treats infections
  • Diabetes
  • HIV support
  • Assists with chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Treats low libido in men
  • Addictions
  • Herpes

Eleuthero extract is available in capsules, tablets and teas.

Side effects of Eleuthero Root Extract:

Due to the fact that eleuthero root extract can lower blood pressure, it may duplicate the effects of high blood pressure medicine. Similarly, those with heart disease should note that eleuthero root extract could cause irregular heartbeats.

Taking eleuthero root exract for an extended period of time may cause nerve inflammation as well as muscle spasms. Eleuthero root extract can also cause insomnia in some people if it is taken at night.