Elecampane Extract

Species name: Inula helenium

Also known as: Inula Helinum, Wild Sunflower Scabwort, Elf Dock, Horseheal

What is Elecampane Extract? Elecampane extract is made from the root of the Inula helenium. This is a large plant that is commonly found in England, which has been cultivated for hundreds of years due to its medicinal usage.

Due to cultivation, Inula helenium is also available in North America where it often grows in pastures or along the side of the road.

Elecampane extract has been used as a remedy for thousands of years. Its use has even been traced back to Ancient Greece. In China, the roots of Inula helenium have historically been used to prepare antidotes to some poisons.

Home Remedies using Elecampane Extract:

Benefits of Elecampane Extract:

If you buy the powered Inula helenium root, you can make a tea to treat respiratory issues. This tea, however, will have a bitter taste on its own, so you may want to add flavorings. You can also simmer the root in water for about half an hour and drink this liquid throughout the day.

Elecampane extract is a rich source of Inulin, which is known to relax the lungs. It also can be used for congestion and cough. This extract has also been shown to be helpful for respiratory issues including asthma.

Elecampane extract is a common remedy for the common cold. It promotes perspiration, which aids in the healing process.

Due to the fact that elecampane extract regulates blood sugar levels, it can be helpful for those with diabetes. The plant is also a diuretic and increases urination.

Elecampane extract has been shown to be beneficial with stomach and digestive issues as well as killing intestinal parasites.

Japanese scientists have recently discovered that Elecampane extract can help fight free radicals from elements including pollution and stress.

It can also nourish hair, and nails by providing them with oxygen. This extract has also been shown to have a direct effect on the mood and can assist with negative feelings and depression. Some other uses are:

  • Fights colds and flu
  • Kills intestinal parasites
  • Helps with congestion
  • Expectorant
  • Antiseptic
  • Skin diseases
  • Diuretic
  • Fungicidal
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps with asthma
  • Assists with depression and melancholy
  • Can help lower blood pressure

Elecampane extract is available in pills, teas or tinctures. Syrup form is also available.

Side Effects of Elecampane Extract:

This extract is considered safe, though on occasion it has been shown to cause allergic reactions.

Pregnant women should avoid this extract as it can stimulate contractions in the uterus.

It has also been shown to cause diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps.