Cinnamon Extract

Species name: Cinnamomum verum, a small evergreen belonging to the family Lauraceae

Also known as: Kayu Manis, Canela, Cassia and Chinese cinnamon.

What is Cinnamon Extract? According to the USDA Cinnamon is the third highest natural food containing vital antioxidants and is known to be one of the oldest spices.

Documentation first dates back to the works of Herodotus and Aristotle. Giant Cinnamon birds were believed to be the agents responsible for collecting cinnamon sticks from an unknown land where the cinnamon trees were reported to grow.

Cinnamon was used by the ancient Egyptians in the embalming process and to preserve their meats. Whereas Ancient Romans used it a as a healing agent and believed it had spiritual healing powers.

Cinnamon is native to India, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam and Brazil.

Among other things it has been a traditional Chinese remedy used to treat colds, digestive problems, diarrhea, and nausea.

Home Remedies using Cinnamon Extract:

Benefits of Cinnamon Extract:

Cinnamon Extract has been reported to improve blood glucose along with reducing not only triglycerides but cholesterol as well—including LDL (bad Cholesterol), in those with type II diabetes.

A study was performed and among the 30 men and 30 women tested (average age 52) it concluded that by including cinnamon in the diet the risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are reduced greatly.

It was proven that Cinnamon extract’s active compounds could be linked to reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease by protecting cells from the oxidation that can take place within the body.

Another study in 2003 reported that just 1 gram of cinnamon each day reduced not only blood glucose levels but triglycerides and LDL (unhealthy) cholesterol.

The Agricultural Research Service scientists conducted studies and found that compounds in cinnamon extract can prevent isolated brain cells from swelling. This is the type of swelling can occur in traumatic brain injury and stroke.

Cinnamon contains antioxidants and antimicrobial properties, therefore, plant extracts like cinnamon can help relieve irritations such as post nasal drip. Although this may be the case, some individuals could possibly develop allergic reactions if used over a long period of time.

Cinnamon has been used in Ayurvedic remedies to aid in the treatment diabetes and indigestion.

It is used as an ingredient in chai tea and is a healthy drink for digestion problems such as that accompanied from dairy products and fruits.

Side effects of Cinnamon Extract:

Cinnamon extract is relatively safe.

Those with ulcers should use caution when using cinnamon in large doses as it can irritate the stomach lining.