
Vertigo involves the sudden onset of a feeling of being unsteady, dizzy or lightheaded.

People who suffer from this condition or a condition that causes vertigo as a symptom might feel fine one moment and then adjust positions, only to feel as if they have been on a fast-spinning ride.

Vertigo that is not classified as serious in nature, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, is characterized by short episodes of dizziness.

These may be mild to severe and generally are brought on by a change in the positioning of the head.

The exact causes of vertigo can be difficult to pinpoint. They can vary from case to case, but may include such things as inner ear infections, blood pressure problems, head injuries or damage to the ears.

Medical advice might be required to eliminate more serious causes of vertigo.

Doctors can prescribe medications and perform surgical procedures to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo.

Home remedies and natural cures, however, can also be effective in many circumstances.

Natural Cures For Vertigo:

Natural cures and home remedy options can prove very useful for treating the symptoms of vertigo.

The choices range from minor lifestyle adjustments to the use of herbs to control and even cure this condition.


Ginger is used as a natural cure for the symptoms of vertigo.

To get rid of vertigo symptoms, eat foods that contain ginger or use supplemental capsules.

Ginger is also useful for treating dizziness associated with motion sickness.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Eating raw pumpkin seeds or using supplements that contain pumpkin can work as a natural cure for vertigo.


Among natural cures that have many uses, ginkgo has proven effective not only for helping with mental acuity, but also for alleviating the symptoms of vertigo.

French studies have shown that this particular home remedy works on vertigo in nearly half of those who try it.

Adjusting Movements:

How to remove vertigo is sometimes a question of avoiding the triggers that set it off.

When possible, avoid sudden, jerky movements and try to adjust positions slowly.

Dietary Changes:

Eating a diet that is rich in vegetables and minerals can be useful for combating the symptoms of vertigos.

This home remedy should coincide with proper hydration.

Home remedies on the dietary front also include removing alcohol and caffeine from the diet.

It can also be useful to avoid foods that contain an excessive amount of salt or sugar.