Varicose Veins

Have you ever noticed unsightly dark purple veins on someone’s legs before? 

These are called varicose veins and generally, they are simply veins that are not working properly.

Veins have valves that act as a flap. When the valves work properly, they allow blood to pour through and the valve prevents the blood from flowing backwards.

When the valves do not work properly, blood flows backwards and often will collect in certain areas. This is what causes the vein to become larger, which in turn, becomes a varicose vein.

While these varicose veins are very unsightly, there is no need to become alarmed. Although there is no magic natural cure for them, there are several home remedies you can use to help treat them.

Along with their appearance, you may notice aching in the legs, a heaviness feeling in the legs, and often, you will find your legs tire more easily.

However, if you do notice a red spot in the area of your varicose vein and it is sore and swollen, you may want to consult your physician as it may be a blood clot.

Again, there are no natural cures, but your physician can recommend surgery to remove them if it does become a risk to your health.

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins:

Keep Feet Elevated:

One of the most popular home remedies to alleviate the aches and pains associated with varicose veins is to keep your feet elevated.

Using an ottoman or pillows, your feet should be at hip level.

This will help the blood to circulate much easier and you may notice the difference almost immediately.

Support Hose:

Available at almost any department store or pharmacy, you’ll find support hose to be very useful for treating varicose veins.

This helps to reduce the chance of blood to collect in the weak veins and forces it back into the larger veins.

This, in turn, makes circulation much better and it is the closest thing to a natural cure that there is.

Wear Good Shoes:

If you find your legs are tired and achy from varicose veins, the best thing you can do is to wear good shoes.

Wearing high-heels will only make the symptoms worse for you.

Prevention of Varicose Veins:

Even though there are not any natural cures, there are certain things you can do to prevent them.

Smoking may increase the risk, as well as being on birth control pills.

Making sure you get enough exercise, even if it is simply going for a brisk walk will help to prevent blood from collecting in the veins closest to the skin.

If you are at risk for varicose veins, your doctor may be able to recommend other preventative methods you can use.