Toe Nail Fungus

Though it is quite common, toe nail fungus can be quite detrimental to the individual suffering from it. This is a rather contagious form of fungus and can be easily picked up from a public area, or it may even be hereditary.

The biggest problem with this most common type of fungus is that it settles into the toe nail and then feeds off of the keratin that is what the nail is made up of.

This means that it can eat away at the surface of the toe nail overtime, making it not only unsightly but also dangerous if left untreated. It can start off as a very simple infection, but if left alone it can lead to holes in the toe nail. In more extreme cases, the toe nail may even fall off.

It is recommended to seek medical attention if the toe nail fungus seems to be causing a rather serious infection. This is especially true if it appears to be getting worse or not responding to over-the-counter treatments.

A doctor may prescribe a medication to help weaken the fungus and bring life back to the toe nail. Fortunately there are some rather effective home remedies for toe nail fungus that are well worth trying.

It’s important to turn to these early on before the fungus is present for too long or the infection gets too bad.

Home Remedies for Toe Nail Fungus:

Tea Tree Oil:

As this is a natural antiseptic, it can be highly effective at fighting off this type of infection.

Using tea tree oil as a home remedy for toe nail fungus can be highly effective and rather easy to apply.

Mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with olive oil for the best effect, and then rub it into the affected area.

After doing this for a few days, it will help to get rid of the fungus and restore the feet to a normal condition.

Oregano and Olive Oil:

Both of these substances have healing powers and prove to be natural antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptics. Therefore mixing together a small amount of oregano with some olive oil is the basis, and this paste is then applied to the site of the fungus for a couple of weeks.

This can work rather quickly as a natural cure for toe nail fungus, and get rid of it once and for all.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

We see this show up as a healing ingredient often, and here we turn to it as an excellent home remedy for toe nail fungus.

Soaking the feet in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water can soothe the feet and help to get rid of the fungus, leaving them healthy and normal after just a few baths.