
Mainly caused due to stretching or tearing of ligaments resulting in restriction of your movement, sprains can be very painful. The prime reasons for these injuries are sudden changes in direction of movement, or due to a collision. The most common places where sprains occur are the ankles, wrists, hamstring, back, and knees.

Home Remedies for Sprains:


Relief of sprains can often be accomplished with the "RICE" method, but if you are unsure of the severity of your sprain or strain, talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment. "RICE" stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate.

Resting the injured area is the best thing to do during this time. Avoid any kind of activity which stresses the injured area and may cause pain, swelling or any other discomfort.

An ice pack, wrapped in a towel to prevent skin freezing and frostbite, is great way to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Keep it on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, and remove it for ten minutes. This cycle can be repeated for 24 hours to minimize the pain.

The use of compression helps in compressing the pain with use of elastic tapes, bandages, special boots, air casts and splints. This tightens the strained or sprained area to prevent further injury.

By keeping the sprain elevated, you can help decrease the swelling. The best position to keep the sprain elevated is above your heart level, when possible.


Eating pineapple might speed the healing process of sprains. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme which can help reduce bruising and may quicken the healing process. Just remember, you have to consume large quantities of pineapple for it to work.


Taking over the counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as acetaminophen, naproxin or ibuprofen, can help alleviate the swelling, and ease the pain.

Comfrey Oil:

Massaging the affected area with comfrey oil or cream can help relieve the pain.

Thyme Oil:

Five drops of thyme oil either diluted in hot water soaks, or soak in Epsom salts water, can help ease the discomfort, and reduce swelling.

Arnica Balm:

Arnica balm or ointment can be used as cream or a compress for the affected area.

Horse Chestnut:

Horse chestnut is also very useful for such injuries. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties and presence of a compound called aescin it becomes beneficial for all kinds of injuries. You can spread this gel on the affected area every two hours till the pain of the sprain subsides.